Tank Wars Zone AMA Record

10 min readJan 21, 2022


Time: 2130 UTC+8 17/1/2022
Venue: FantomChineseGroup
Host: klue
Guest: Andy

klue: Hi Andy, so again, welcome to the Fantom Chinese community, we are very happy to have you here.

Andy: thank you, I’m very happy too.

klue: Can you introduce about the Tank Wars Zone team?

Andy: Hi everyone, I’m Andy, head of business development and CMO of Tank Wars Zone. We also have Pete, our CoFounder & CEO, Paul, CoFounder, and Lawson, our strategic advisor.

So Pete, Paul & Lawson have been in the crypto market since very early mining Bitcoin back in 2013 and especially in 2019, they became the first community validator on Fantom Network, only after the founding ones.

So you guys can see Fantom at the moment is usually in the Top 40 on CoinMarketCap. That journey actually has given our founders incredible amount of knowledge, experiences, and also in capital returns.

We are currently also the most staked validators on Fuse network, we have around 7 million tokens staked at the moment.

In terms of gaming development, everything that you’ve seen, our demos, graphics, etc. are all developed in-house by experienced and veteran game designers & developers.

So we try to gather a team with experienced developers both in terms of blockchain and gaming development, to create Tank Wars Zone.

klue: Interesting, can you briefly introduce Tank Wars Zone so everyone is on the same page?

Andy: As we can see that blockchain gaming has now introduced a very new business model for game developers. If we look back with the traditional ones, games only have a closed economic system in which everything is owned by the game publishers and it does not hold much monetary values link to the real world.

With blockchain gaming, there is a fundamental shift in values in which now we as game creators, we can create our own economy and ecosystem that connects to the real world. Players can have different ways to make money by playing to earn cryptocurrencies, staking or trading their NFTs for profits. The in game assets now have tangible values.

As game developers, the more dynamics of a game ecosystem, the more vibrance of the communities, the more successful it can get in terms of values both in entertainment and economic returns.

So blockchain gaming is transforming the gaming industry worldwide, we want to create a blockchain game which first, will be very accessible and affordable to everyone, with low initial costs to play. And secondly it’ll be fun and enjoyable for players to spend time playing while also earning a regular and extra income.

Our game is in the genre of action tank battles. The player will have to explore the game world, collect enhancing gaming items, participate in battles with other players, raid on bosses, and use different mechanics for generating income. With its low-cost entry barrier, the game is affordable and accessible to players, especially for those in developing countries.

Players will have access to numerous classes of tanks with unique characteristics, such as health, armor, speed, etc. In addition, each tank can be improved with additional equipment. After battles, players will receive TGOLD, the in-game currency, and experience points, which affect tank power and value.

Tank Wars Zone will have various exciting gameplay modes that players can play and earn, such as PvE, PvP, World Boss Battle, Guild Wars, Tank Championship, and Battle Royale. The game also offers different battle systems and special features such as lending, garage, etc., for players to try and have fun.

klue: So there’re many mode that we can play on. I’m getting excited. But why would you choose to launch on Fantom?

Andy: thanks, before answering the next question, I just want to share our demo link here so you can see our PvE 1v1 Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iATq-ts3Hhk&ab_channel=TankWarsZone

Fiberblock has been with Fantom Foundation and its Network since its very early days. We actually are the first community validator of Fantom Network, only after the founding ones. As you know, currently Fantom is valued and ranked in the top 40 on CoinMarketCap.

The Fantom Network offers us many benefits such as very low transaction fees, lowest time confirmation, and especially supportive communities to our players.

Addiiotnally, the Fantom Foundation has been incredibly supportive to our project and they also invested in our project. With our close connection and relationship, we think it’s very natural for us to launch on Fantom.

Also we are one of the first games on Fantom Network as well, with our close connection and relationship with the Fantom Foudation and reasons above, we think it’s very natural for us to launch on Fantom at Genesis.

klue: Understood, I agree Fantom is one of the best chain in the crypto world. So, I personally like tank game very much. I played World of Tank for some years. Don’t know if you have ever heard about it. Why do you want to make a Tank War Game?

Andy: Our game is actually inspired by a very classic 16 bit tank game on Nintendon NES, named Battle City.

I think a majority of us, especially those in late 20s or 30s used to played this game back in our childhoods.

So when we were in initial game conception, we actually came up with this idea as we believe it really resonates with a lot of players for a shooter tank game, but only now with blockchain technology.

klue: Wow, I remember I keep playing this Battle City in my childhood, good old days! I see there are different game modes, like PvE, PvP, World boss, Guild Wars, etc. Can you elaborate more on these modes?

Andy: The most important thing is that we want to provide fun and enjoyable different gameplays for players.

There will be 7 classes of tanks with different rarity types and ranked from 1 to 5 stars. Each tank will have a tank driver and come with its health, attack power, speed, and armor preset by rank. Naturally, the higher the rank, the stronger the tank will be.

Each player will have their own base and battleground for farming up levels and earning tokens to upgrade tank weapons, and other equipment.

In PvE, it’ll be control free turn based battle and players will need at least 1 tank to start fighting.

Each tank can be equipped with one weapon, one armor, one tank tread, and three booster fluids for a battle.

There will be 3 types of battleground: 1v1, 3v3 and 5v5.

Each tank can be used in 5 matches per day and if they get damaged, we will need TGOLD which is the in-game currency, to repair these tanks.

PvE World Boss is special in terms of offering world boss battle for players every day, week and month.

With PvP, this gameplay would be very fun as well because now you can battle with other real players, in real time.

PvP battles will require players a minimum of 3 tanks and come with 3v3 battles only.

There will be a match matching and ranking system to find the next most suitable opponents based on players’ ranks, tanks level, etc.

Winning a match, players will earn experience, tokens, and ranking points.

We also have 3 other gameplays we will release in the future which is Guild Wars.

In this mode, you will join up with other guild members for more incredible battles.

Tank championship is a tournament for finding the strongest tank.

And Battle Royale, an open world battle for all players to join, it’ll be like battle royale fortnite style but for tanks.

klue: I see there are also different playing styles, the Puzzle Solving, First Person Shooter (FPS), and Rock-Paper-Scissors style. Do this mean we got to choose the styles on every mode?

Andy: These playing styles are for PvP battles and will be released in future updates.

We will release the 1v1 gameplay mode first to build up initial tractions and interest and will release regular updates to attract more players.

klue: Can we team up with others? Like our friends? Which one is 1v1, 3v3, 5v5?

Andy: Yes of course, you can invite and team up with your friends in 3v3 and 5v5.

klue: What do we earn if we win? And will it cost if lose?

Andy: Whether you win or lose, you will earn experience and TGOLDs in PvE and PvP, although the winner will obviously receive more rewards.

In other game modes like World Boss, Guild Wars, Tank Championship, Battle Royale, players can also get valuable NFTs.

klue: So there are two tokens, Wbond and Tgold, Wbond is the one for sales? And can you explain a bit the usage of the 2 tokens?

Andy: WBOND is War Bond Token, which is utility token for voting, trading tanks, NFTs, equipment, booster fluids, and staking.

Total supply of WBOND will be capped at 1,000,000,000.

TGOLD is Tank Gold Token is the in-game currency earned by playing PvE, PvP, World Boss, Guild Wars, and Open Battle games.

TGOLD can be earned by playing, farming, or trading NFTs.

TGOLD is used to repair tanks and buy equipment such as armor, boosters, custom camouflages, names, batches, or effects for your Tanks.

Total supply of TGOLD is not predefined.

klue: Speaking of NFT, there are 10,000 Tanks NFT in total. So there is a limit on the number of players. Will this be expandable in the future?

Andy: Yes, the 10,000 tanks are for the Genesis launch. There will be 5 levels of tank rarity from Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic & Legendary.

The number of tanks will be expanded in the future.

klue: There are different classes on the NFTs, like common, rare, legendary. What are their differences?

Andy: Naturally, the rarer a NFT is, the more valuable it is.

For example, with the 10,000 genesis tanks, we will have 5893 common tanks but only 222 legendary tanks. Because of its rarity, it can be very valuable when trading in our game marketplace.

klue: Apart from tanks, are there other NFTs too? Equipment? Do they have classes?

Andy: Yes apart from tanks, their equipment, such as weapons, armors, special powers, etc., are NFTs, which players have complete control of to stake or trade in the marketplace.

They will also have rarity levels like tanks ranking from common to legendary.

klue: And we can stake all of these during the cooldown time? To earn Tgold?

Andy: Yes you can stake these NFTs during cooldown time to earn WBOND. A player can earn WBOND by trading NFTs, staking or through special events.

With TGOLD, player can earn by playing, farming or trading NFTs.

klue: I see you state that the game has a low-cost entry barrier, how much will it cost for a new player? And will it be like a Pay 2 Win game? Will there be some sort of balancing between the battle of whales and average players?

Andy: As we want to make our game very affordable and accessible to all players worldwide, a tank will cost$50. We want to avoid pay 2 win as much as possible so that is why players can keep playing to get to higher levels, staking their NFTs to earn WBOND, etc.

There are different ways to earn TGOLD or WBOND in the game so it won’t be like you can pay however high the amount to get the best tanks.

There is also a matching and ranking systems in the game to ensure a fair battle among players.

The matching system is based on ranks, previous match results, tanks level, etc. So a brand new player fighting a veteran one won’t be the case.

klue: Will there be mobile version in the future?

Andy: Yes, mobiles gamers are very important to us so there will be mobile version in the future.

klue: Is the seed/private sale done? When will you do public sale?

We have conducted successful Seed and Private investment rounds, raising $2.37M from more than 30 highly reputable Venture Capitals and established blockchain and gaming partners such as the Fantom Foundation, DFG, Jsquare, Newave Capital, HyperChain Capital, Prometeus Labs, ZBS Capital, LD Capital, Halvings Capital, Verichains, etc.

For more details, you can check the Investors & Partners section on the Tank Wars Zone website.

And our IDO launches will be on January 18–22 at multiple launchpads.


MaticLaunch — January 18, 8:30 UTC — https://maticlaunch.org/

GameStation — January 18, 16:00 UTC — http://gamestation.io/

Babylons — January 20, 12:00 UTC — http://babylons.io/

FantomMaker — January 21, 14:00 UTC — http://fantommaker.com/

GamiWorld — January 21, 12:00 UTC — http://gamiworld.io/


MEXC — January 22, TBA — https://www.mexc.com/

klue: When, approximately, will the game be released?

Andy: We expect to launch the game 1v1 gameplay first in the end of February or early March. Currently we have finished this development and are working on PvP modes.

Afterwards, we will release regular updates to diversify the gameplays to build up the community and keep players entertained and attracted to our game.

Live Q&A

Audience: Hi Andy, do you have any Bug Bounty Scheme to for community to participate in game early and finding bugs? I think it would be great for us to participate early!

Andy: This is actually a very good idea!! we haven’t thought about this, what we are doing is a gleam campaign for 250 beta testers and 30 NFT airdrops for the best reviews. you just raised a very good point so I’ll keep that in mind, thank you!

Audience: Do the token holders have the right to participate in the governance of the project? What kind of decisions can they vote on about the project?

Andy: Yes, we will implement the DAO, the Decentralized autonomous organization, later on, so our WBOND token holders can vote on the direction of the game and in many activities such as buying back allocation, burning mechanism, etc

Audience: Is there any incentive for the first gen of mints? A couple other projects try to pump the first round of minting with a “whitelist serum” or like junior punks the first 1250 are getting a bottle that upgrade nft to 3d version.

Andy: Currently the first 10k tanks will be labeled the Genesis generation, we think the $50 price point is very affordable and accessible to a lot of players

Audience: Are you going to cooperate with other NFT Projects on Fantom?

Andy: Right now we haven’t had any contact yet but yes we’d love to to explore coop possibilities.

~The End~

Website: https://tankwars.zone/
Whitepaper :https://tankwars.zone/Tankwars-zone-Whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TankWarsZone
Telegram: https://t.me/TankWarsZone

