
Seb Dancer-Michel
1 min readJan 17, 2017


Hey, so I have a little project I want to start.

It’s simple: write less than 5 minutes of raw text everyday. Hence the 4 minutes and fifty-four seconds (I like the number 4 a lot). I’ll probably keep that as the title of this fun experiment.

The goal: Write my thoughts everyday, get those out of my brain as often as possible, and improve my writing.

The many advantages of doing that:

  • Write more
  • Write better
  • Write a lot
  • Have fun
  • Get ideas on some kind of canvas
  • Write a freaking lot
  • Improve my written English
  • Learn to just let go of my thoughts
  • Be more concise, be more precise
  • Imothep
  • Share a bit more on the Interwebz
  • There’s probably a lot more but I’m running out of time

This is 4m54s #0, and I’ll see you in the next one ✌️

FYI I’m going to schedule every one of those entries at 9:54AM, Paris time (UTC+1)



Seb Dancer-Michel

Front fo the front-end dev @Your Majesty. Ex @cnje, @synerghetic. P2019 @hetic. Eternal optimist.