Farzad YZinBetter ProgrammingHow To Detect Unique Arrays in JavaScriptSets, multiple types of loops, and moreDec 25, 20191Dec 25, 20191
Farzad YZuseBackButton hook to handle back button behavior in React NativeReact hooks help with carrying stateful logic and keeping their lifecycle separate from the view layer lifecycle. They’ve been around…Aug 12, 20193Aug 12, 20193
Farzad YZUnit Testing Higher-Order Components with Enzyme and JestNot all the components you write for your React application can be divided into Stateful and Stateless (dumb) categories. There is a 3rd…Nov 3, 20175Nov 3, 20175
Farzad YZ3 Ways to clone objects in JavaScriptCloning an object in JavaScript a task that is almost always used in any project, to clone everything from simple objects to the most…Oct 1, 201714Oct 1, 201714
Farzad YZHandle loadings in React by using Higher Order ComponentsBefore you read this article, read React’s official document on HOCs if you haven’t read it yet.Sep 18, 20176Sep 18, 20176
Farzad YZManage and Promisify async actions in javascriptjavascript is different from other languages. Programmers from other languages once entering the javascript era might get confused easily…Jan 22, 2017Jan 22, 2017
Farzad YZCross-Domain Iframe-parent communicationFair warning: This solution worked for the certain use case explained in the article back in 2016, the same date this very article was…Dec 28, 201617Dec 28, 201617