I hate that I’m even posting this but “How to Protect Yourself in a Mass Shooting”…?

Fave Faves
2 min readAug 4, 2019


by Tabitha Sukhai

Last night over dinner, Apollo and I were talking about “comfortable” bullet-proof garments, and how there haven’t been *meaningful* strides in John Wick-style bulletproof suits, BUT vests are getting slimmer in design.

Apollo (formerly in the State Trooper Academy and a U.S. Marine) mentioned that how, if I was still commuting, he’d get me an armor panel for my backpack:

There’s a handgun-protection model ($174.99) and a rifle-protection model ($299.99).

And I reminded him about the simple and clever school-shooting tip that Katie Cornelis, a concerned aunt in Connecticut, posted to Facebook in the wake of the Parkland shooting.

You know, really uplifting conversation.

In Googling around, I see now that there are some “security” companies exploiting this “trend” of people shooting up other people. But, I’d like everyone to keep in mind that there are some simple solutions that can really increase your odds of surviving this kind of thing. Why not be prepared, especially if it means basic barricades like a door stop or something like this ($47.99)?

You can also check out the Bags & Backpacks section at bulletproofzone.com, where I saw probably the most depressing thing I’ve seen in a long time:


File it all under “tragic, but good to know.”

What an awful fucking summer this has been. What an awful year. Be careful. Be alert. Stay safe.



Fave Faves

Former lifestyle, shopping, and shelter editor doin’ it for herself. Shop with me and you’ll be supporting free, independent media! All posts by Tabitha Sukhai