How to Enhance Your Intuition to Stimulate Your Creativity

Can everyone improve their level of intuition? Let’s uncover…

Fay B Bolton
5 min readMar 6, 2024
A creative mind

My workday had ended, and I was on my way home.

I waited at the stoplight that was two minutes from my house. I’d pulled into the second left turn lane to make a left turn. The light turned green, but something told me not to pull out into the junction. So, I waited.

A truck across the street, also in the second left turn lane, proceeded straight instead of turning left. Trusting the green light over my intuition would have landed me in the hospital instead of arriving home safely that night.

Intuition refers to the ability to understand or know something without conscious reasoning or analysis.

It’s often described as a “gut feeling” or a “hunch” that we have about a situation or person.

Intuition is a subconscious process that relies on our experiences, knowledge, and emotions to assist with rapid decision-making.

When we say someone is intuitive, we refer to their ability to read another person’s body language and compare those cues with verbal language.

When we say that we have a hunch or feeling that someone has told us a lie, we usually mean that their body…



Fay B Bolton

My writing focuses on overcoming life's obstacles and achieving financial as well as emotional success.