Electrum-FTC released


Just a little over three months have passed since the Electrum Wallet for Feathercoin was launched in its beta version and we already have exciting updates to share. We have released a new version to guarantee our amazing community the best user experience possible.

The Bitcoin Electrum wallet
The Electrum-FTC wallet is a fork of the Bitcoin Electrum wallet adapted to work with Feathercoin. To give a bit of context, the Bitcoin Electrum wallet was one of the very few bitcoin wallets that has been in the game since the very beginning and it is now the wallet of choice for many cryptocurrency enthusiasts, being one of the most trusted wallets available on the market.

The Electrum-FTC wallet

The Electrum-FTC wallet is a branch of this successful Bitcoin Electrum wallet, created with the purpose of working with Feathercoin. The new version, FTC is integrating upstream improvements from the main Electrum branch as well as specific Feathercoin-related bug fixes and new features, such as address format, difficulty adjustment, NeoScrypt, and more. A key feature that will make this new version unforgettable for cryptocurrency enthusiasts is the autocomplete feature for the seed word during restore. But the news doesn’t end here!

Electrum-FTC wallet key improvements:

  • Seed word autocomplete during restore.
  • Performance improvements
  • Hardware wallets: show debug message during device scan
  • Digital Bitbox: enabled BIP84 (p2wpkh) wallet creation
  • Usability improvements.

The Feathercoin community is always actively working on development. Our enthusiastic feedback and our growing monthly users pushed us to work hard with the long term goal of making the Electrum-FTC wallet better, always prioritizing our users, and guaranteeing that the Electrum wallet is user friendly.

Download Electrum-FTC

Take advantage of the new improvements, download Electrum-FTC! https://github.com/Feathercoin-Foundation/electrum-ftc

