Featherlight Payments


Ever since we set up the foundation, we’ve been getting questions from the community about our plans with Feathercoin. Today’s blog post addresses some of those questions by pointing at some of the previous work and outlining our vision of the future.

If you have been following Feathercoin for a while, you will remember that Peter Bushnell set it up as a coin that was “lighter than light, featherlight in fact”. Back in 2013, everyone understood that reference to Litecoin which itself was setup to provide faster transactions, allowing merchants to more efficiently conduct their business. Consequently, Peter optimised Feathercoin further into the direction Litecoin had been going and hence created the perfect kind of electronic cash that could be widely used for your every-day payments.

The new Feathercoin sticker as distributed at Consensus 2018

When we looked at what was missing to accomplish this vision, we soon realised that truly user friendly tools were lacking, not only in the Feathercoin universe but in the wider cryptocurrency space in general.

The first steps to address this shortcoming was to give Feathercoin some of the same tools that are available in other cryptocurrencies, such as more mobile wallets for iOS and Android or the ability to store your coins on a number of different hardware wallets.

All the steps that follow are done with increased adoption in mind.

  • That’s why we are working on an open source Point-of-Sales (PoS) app that allows merchants to easily accept Feathercoin
  • That’s why we are working on an open source wallet with a throughly intuitive approach to ux/ui that allows beginners to easily enter the world of cryptocurrencies
  • That’s why we are talking to payment processors everywhere to help them onboard Feathercoin into their offering
  • That’s why we are contacting companies to have them integrate Feathercoin into their payment options
  • That’s why we are working on libbitcoin to make sure all the new technologies we introduce have a stable and solid backend to talk to
  • That’s why we are reaching out to you — the community — to help us spread the word about these initiatives

We’re incredibly excited to about the journey we’ve embarked upon! You can support us by being an active member in the community. The best place to get started is the forum on the Feathercoin website. For those who prefer instant communication, there is the Feathercoin Telegram channel (also available in German). You can also stay informed by following us on Twitter (Feathercoin Foundation, Feathercoin, Feathercoin deutsch).

