Federico TengaUnderstanding the RGB protocolDisclaimer: for education purposes some of the concepts described in this article have been simplified, and to avoid overwhelming the…Apr 20, 20221Apr 20, 20221
Federico TengaGifting satoshis to future generationsExperience from storing bitcoins with a very long term mindsetDec 29, 2019Dec 29, 2019
Federico TengaLocks, Money and Large SocietiesLocks made large human communities possible and money made trade scale. Bitcoin is an improvement on both technologies, and will therefore…Apr 10, 20191Apr 10, 20191
Federico TengaForking in futilityFrom the very early days of Bitcoin, multiple attempts of at least partially replicate its success, by coping its codebase with some…Feb 24, 2019Feb 24, 2019
Federico TengaThe Future of Blockchain AssetsBlockchain tokens have been around for a while, but only the recently the market demand for them emerged. Before wide adoption is possible…Oct 22, 20183Oct 22, 20183
Federico TengaStable Coin: the Holy Grail of central bankersAs soon as Bitcoin started to trade, a “flaw” that could jeopardise its ambitions became evident: the new born trustless cryptocurrency was…May 23, 20182May 23, 20182
Federico TengaBitcoin and the Return of Trustless MoneyIn early human history money did not rely on trusted entities, but this pattern changed when more efficient fiduciary systems emerged…Mar 26, 20181Mar 26, 20181
Federico TengainChainsideUnderstanding Payment ChannelsOff-chain transactions seem to be the best option for Bitcoin scaling, while multiple companies are building and testing off-chain…Feb 5, 20181Feb 5, 20181
Federico TengainBlockchain Education NetworkBitcoin’s Theodosian walls and Hard ForksWe lived the block size drama for more than two years, and every time it seems to have ended, after few months we are back in another…Mar 31, 2017Mar 31, 2017