We #EndHunger by Empowering Communities to Improve Nutrition

Feed the Future
2 min readSep 10, 2018


2018 Feed the Future Week — Join the #EndHunger Conversation

This year marks the 3rd Annual Feed the Future Week!

Feed the Future is America’s global hunger initiative. At the heart of our work is the idea that together — through innovation, partnerships, and a commitment to making a difference — we can end global hunger.

I began my career in international development 30 years ago. During that time, I have seen the transformative power of our work in some of the most-challenging places in the world. Feed the Future, America’s initiative to combat global hunger, is one of the most important advancements I have seen.

— Mark Green, USAID Administrator

We do that by bringing together the best of American ingenuity and innovation to create solutions that lift smallholder farmers out of poverty, empower women and youth, and help children get the right nutrition for a healthy start in life. With our partners, Feed the Future is moving the needle on poverty and stunting. Since the initiative started, an estimated 23.4 million more people are living above the poverty line, 3.4 million more children are living free of stunting, and 5.2 million more families no longer suffer from hunger.

But our progress isn’t guaranteed. To sustainably reduce global hunger, poverty and malnutrition in the decade ahead, we will have to protect and accelerate this progress in an increasingly dynamic world.

Throughout this week, we’ll be highlighting our progress to date and showcasing how our partnerships are vital to fighting hunger and poverty and creating economic opportunities. On Monday, we highlighted our efforts in strengthening resilience in the face of adversity.

How does your work help #endhunger? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Empowering Communities to Improve Nutrition

Photo by Huy Narith, NOURISH

Good nutrition is critical to the future well-being of entire nations. Feed the Future invests in the future productivity and health of partner countries and their economies, ensuring these countries can move further along in their development journeys to a day when they no longer need assistance.

By prioritizing nutrition and coordinating efforts that integrate water, sanitation and hygiene investments across the initiative, Feed the Future is delivering sustainable nutrition outcomes. This means 3.4 million more children have escaped the devastating, life-long consequences of poor nutrition early in life since the initiative began. Our efforts also work to empower people, particularly women, who are often responsible for their family’s nutrition.

Read on for stories from our partners to learn how we empower communities to take charge of nutrition and help more children reach their full potential.

Better Nutrition Starts in Our Coal Pots (Peace Corps)

Bringing Beans Back to the Plate in Guatemala (Feed the Future Legume Innovation Lab at Michigan State University)

Malawi’s Food Processors Make Progress on Nutrition (Solutions for African Food Enterprises)



Feed the Future

U.S. Government initiative addressing the root causes of global hunger & poverty to improve #foodsecurity & #nutrition around the world.