Maven Airline Satisfaction

Used PowerBi to analyze and visualize the dataset to derive insights

Tomisin Okunlola
2 min readJun 6, 2022

I decided to join the Maven Analytics challenge on LinkedIn . Looking to start your Analytics journey and looking for resources, check out their website here.

Tools used for Analysis

  1. Microsoft Excel: Used to get hold and understand the data we are dealing with and the parameters.
  2. Powerbi: Used this tool for Visualization.

Data Preparation

Here we will process data cleaning ,ensuring that it is correct, relevant, complete free of error and outlier when performing analysis used Excel:

  • Explore and observe data
  • Removed special characters from the data.
  • Changed each column to the appropriate data type.


Imported the dataset into PowerBI, using Power query made some modifications:

  • I unpivoted the “questions column” i.e. Ease of online booking and the likes and renamed the new created columns
  • Used DAX to create measures for my analysis.

After analyzing and deep-diving into the dataset I noticed the insight were quite many, and I did not want my dashboard to be too busy. I then concentrated on what I felt to be the most important insight.

I have always wanted to use a white color for my text, hence the choice of color.

Had to calculate a lot of Dax measures, since I wanted my values to be outside the Charts.(sad smile)

Thanks to Racheal Allyn on LinkedIn for the inspiration.

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Twitter :@Fehintiti


Feel free to drop a comment if you have any question.

Thanks for reading!

