Send HTML Emails from Gmail

A simple method how to send out HTML Emails in Gmail

Fero Krivda
3 min readFeb 10, 2017

I have tried to find a quick way to send out my HTML Emails and the following process was the most straightforward out there (at least for now).

What is needed

  • HTML email file
  • images (images should be linked/hosted online within your HTML to display in an email properly)


Step 1: Open your Gmail account and press COMPOSE

Step 2: Type in some uniform text symbols into a text area of the mail (I have used $$$$$$)

Step 3: Select the text you have typed, right-click and choose Inspect

Step 4: The code will open in a Web Inspector selected in blue color. Hover over the blue area, right-click and choose Edit as HTML

Step 5: Go to your HTML email files and open it in your text editor, select all the code within the <body>…</body> tags (include the opening and closing body tags) and Copy this code. Go back to your mail, select the text/signs (in this case $$$$$$) and Paste the code in.

Step 6: Now the body part of your HTML email should appear in Web Inspector

Step 7: Close Web Inspector and check if your HTML Email is loaded the right way in a text area and all elements are working.

Step 8: Add your Recipients and Subject matter but before that test the email by sending it to your other email address.



Fero Krivda

Freelance Artworker interested in #print #webdevelopment #sustainability #packaging #cooking #traveling