Feruza Smith
3 min readDec 6, 2022


Have you ever had feeling that you want to change yourself? When you want to see yourself waking up early, reading a book on the balcony, going to the gym, jogging, doing yoga sessions? When you finally start whatever you wanted today, not on Monday which never comes?!

I don’t remember how many times I started learning different languages like Turkish, Spanish, but I was giving up on half way. I have started so many notebooks with notes in so many languages, I wish to remember those learned words and become a polyglot. I was reading books whole day and night before until I don’t finish that books, and what is happening with me now? Why I can’t finish my books and magazines about health?

When you realize that you can’t concentrate on one thing and improve yourself when others seems like improving yourself so easy, and you question yourself “what am I doing wrong?”, “why I can’t improve myself?”.

I do consistently only gym work, that’s already huge achievement for me. Im proud of myself at least for not leaving the gym. I wake up with feeling that my body gives me sign that I need to go to the gym. I wish if my brain was giving me the sign to wake up and learn new languages, learn something new every single day to improve my skills.

We are not perfect, but it doesn’t mean that we should stop improving ourselves. Instead I think we need to force ourselves to become better version of us.

How to become better version of ourselves?

  1. No need to spend hours on reading and learning new languages, will be more effective if you will spend on learning only 40 min every day. If you decided to learn Spanish for example, you can read today, learn new words, and next day you can sing the songs in Spanish using that new words. Try to find different activations to make your learning journey more interesting.
  2. As Im not early bird, I still didn’t find the way how to wake up early every day. But every journey starts from small steps, so I decided to wake up on my day off as much as early as I can and go for jogging, so I can kill two birds with one stone.
  3. Reading a book is my favorite hobby, so to make this hobby to become real, I can read a book on the balcony today, tomorrow I can read on the beach or in the park. I will try to choose different locations to make reading a book an enjoyable experience.

I know people who is studying still even in their late 70, so it’s never late to learn, just we need to find the way how to be strict with yourself and follow the schedule. I would like to start challenge with myself if I can follow my schedule for one month, then I will let you know if my plan works or no, my readers.

We are not perfect, but we can make our best to get better.

Let’s live today!

