The best female characters from the marvel universe

7 min readSep 12, 2016

The Marvel Universe is spreading and is spreading far and wide. Knowing or estimating the extent of its reach is far beyond understanding now. But the only thing we can do is look over the colossal past and perhaps try to estimate the near future.

With a universal production of around four mainstream TV series, multiple movies and innumerable comics, the Marvel universe possesses comet paced kinetic. There is just no stopping them.

And we just cannot get enough of it.

But when we look around, and see Iron Man and Captain America being glorified in a rather woman centric world, we are made to ponder, where are them ladies?

Yo Marvel, you listening?

While there are rumours that there may be a stand alone film of the Red haired Avenger Assassin — Natasha Romanoff also known as Black Widow, we also visualise more ladies being on board.

Pleasing the Feminist audiences (which seem to be in a majority these days) is no more an obligation but something imperative.

So to makes matter even, let’s list a few of the most amazing lady heroes whom we are enchanted by. Every. Single. Time.

  1. The Scarlet witch: This character played by the ever so gorgeous Elizabeth Olsen. The galaxy of potential this character holds is yet untaped. As we know, she yet hasn’t been addressed as the Scarlet Witch in the movies so far. That disappoints us in some ways. She has been severely sidelined in all the Avengers movies (being the only movies she has gotten a chance to act in). But if you ignore the injustice done to her in the movies, you’d notice that this character has a pretty impressive background and buildup as a superhero. The very fact that she is afraid of her own powers is what makes us wonder the extent of her abilities. Wanda is that ticking bit of dynamite that may explode anytime and we just cannot wait anymore.

2. Mockingbird: The Marvel movies may show truck loads of Male Chauvinism, their TV series seem to promulgate the otherwise. In the TV fraternity, the female characters are treated with the dignity they deserve and are also, at times, shown to outweigh men when it came to bravery and action. The Mockingbird or Bobbi Morse from the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D was every bit of the rejuvenation that we awaited. Even this character holds the potential to pull off a successful solo act (both on the battlefield and the Box Office). For now, we just hope that we get to see her back on the screen pretty soon.

3. Karen Page: The first ever client of the Blind Advocate Matt Murdock, Karen eventually happened to have a soft spot for the devil of Hell’s kitchen. Her entry in the series was of this girl in dire need of legal help as she was accused of an uncommitted crime. As the show proceeded, Karen’s character gained momentum and she became this strong independant woman who can hold her guard and protect herself. The most glaring example of her courage has to be when she shot Wilson Fisk’s confidant Wesley. If vox populi is to be considered, Karen can easily be seen as the lady protagonist of the show. Also, the revelation of the fact that the blind guy she liked is actually a vigilante, it is interesting to see what Karen might just do next.

4. Nebula: One of the most unexpected successes of 2015 was Guardians of The Galaxy. And it is here that we came across a lot of female characters that thrilled us and made us believe that the Marvel universe is not one big ‘Sausage party’. Nebula the evil sibling (not technically) is actually more fun to watch than Gamora (Zoe Saldana). Marvel was in the eye of the storm when they were questioned for lacking in the female character department. And following that, when we see someone as lethal and deadly as the nefarious Nebula was indeed a delight to Marvel Maniacs. Though she is a killer machine adopted by the evil-king Thanos, you just know that even if that hadn’t happened, she would still be the one to be feared. Some badass aura around her. Rumours in the air suggest that she might just be in the good team in the second iteration of the Guardians. We hope that comes true.

5. Melinda May: The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D had some really interesting female characters surfacing. One of them being Melinda May. SHe was one of the only Life saver raft on the rather sinking ship of AoS. Cavalry (is the name her character adopts in the comics) is one of the finest assassins to have worked for the SHIELD. Being Phil Coulson’s side-kick, Melinda had her way of stealing the show even in the shadow of a prominent Avenger character.

6. Black Widow: Though you may wonder why she entered the list so late, we’d like to remind you that this list in in no order of significance or importance. The only female character to be in the first ever Avenger movie in itself speaks the power this woman holds. So much that even the male centric Avengers could not keep her away. She may not have had the best of the starts when she first appeared before us Iron Man, we can say that she picked up pace pretty soon. Not only was she the master assassin to slay all those who tried to take the earth away from us, but her deviously intricate investigation method and the plethora of grey matter that she possesses, she is undoubtedly one of the best female character we come across in the MCU. Femme Fatale much?

7. Jessica Jones: Marvel has earned a reputation of only pulling out those characters from the abyss of the comic sheets who are popular. However when they pulled out Jessica, it rather came as a shock to every Marvel fan. The best thing about Jessica is the relativity factor. Just like every other person these days, she too is in this huge dung pile mess. In a universe where all female superheroes are rash mouthed (most of them) and won’t take the slightest amount of BS, Jessica is just at the epitomy. Being suppressed under tremendous trauma and the cumbersome nature of life, she emerges as one of the strongest and unshakable characters we’d ever know. Mind you, she has survived a rape. If that doesn’t make you one of the best superheroes, than we don’t know what does.

8. Peggy: Nobody can forget the fierce yet elegant demeanour of this female character. Peggy was the first ever female character to have her own set of wheels in the MCU. we bet, we have to give ol’ Peggy the credit for that. In a male dominated affiliation, doing even that seems like an accomplishment though. Such irony. After displaying her mettle in the ‘not so famous’ Captain America: The First Avenger, we got glimpses of the daring and caring S.H.I.E.L.D agent Carter. But we got to know her even better in her stand alone TV series Agent Carter. In the most recent movie, Captain America: Civil War, we witness the sad demise of this inspirational character. No more Agent Carter is what hurts us the most, but we guess that is how loss is supposed to feel. Nonetheless, we reminisce the elaborate career of this brilliant agent and promulgate the fact that she was the best ever female character in the Marvel universe for her grit and determined nature.

Now that we have gone through a few of the best female characters we are also wishing that Marvel includes more XX chromosomes in the superhero gene pool. Because we believe that the world belongs to everyone, and our inheritance isn’t gender biased.

So why portray it that way.

These eminent women have always saved the earth when all hope seemed dull. And hence we are pretty sure that when the boys are downright beaten, the Marvel ladies shall come to our salvation.




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