Building Industrial IoT Blockchain Applications Just Got Easier with our Blockchain Starter Kit

2 min readOct 15, 2018


Filament’s new blockchain starter kit delivers tech, training, and support to help accelerate distributed ledger technology initiatives

2018 continues to be a breakout year for enterprise blockchain technology. Every day, we hear from mobility, renewable energy, supply chain, and other organizations that are actively exploring distributed ledger technology (DLT) and engaging in the first phases of blockchain initiatives.

As the enterprise world discovers blockchain’s potential and seeks to understand the technology, we know it is important to assist these businesses in navigating the new digital landscape.

To help these companies develop blockchain proofs of concept and use case deployments, we recently launched our Blocklet™ Kit, a blockchain starter kit which includes everything an organization needs to leverage the potential of blockchain including the hardware, software, and security protocols, plus training and technical support.

While our team is continually impressed by the increasing number of large corporations demonstrating a strong understanding of today’s most advanced technologies, we also know that all young industries need widespread education and support as they develop. This is particularly important for the markets moving toward blockchain and DLT that rely on Industrial IoT (IIoT) machines and equipment, such as automotive, renewables, and supply chain. Think of the level of impact and disruption that technology has on automakers building cars in factories, energy companies installing meters in municipalities, and shipping companies tracking containers full of goods across the world.

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to bring digital interconnectivity to every piece of physical infrastructure, blockchain will become the protocol that builds trust between corporate-owned machines, devices, and equipment. Our Blocklet solutions enable those connected physical assets to become direct participants in blockchain applications by providing a means to generate cryptographic identities and sign transactions. This allows them to engage as direct-transactors on the chain, or as an authority in smart contracts.

The Blocklet Kit was developed based on direct customer input which confirmed their commitment to innovation and re-inventing their businesses for the digital era. They asked us for a complete enterprise blockchain solution that includes everything from the secure hardware element all the way through professional services support. We are very pleased that those already using it are getting the added value they need to accelerate their projects toward creating the blockchain applications that will transform the way they do business.

Allison Clift-Jennings

CEO, Filament

