AirToken Cold Storage Instructions for Ledger Nano S

William Ryan
4 min readFeb 19, 2018


The safest way to store any cryptocurrency is via the “cold storage” method. My preferred choice for cold-storage is the Ledger Nano S, as it stores the private keys on a special chip that never interacts with your computer, and is considered unhackable because in order to “sign” transactions, the physical buttons on your Ledger must be pushed by hand. One of the benefits of the Ethereum network is that you can store all of your Ethereum tokens (ERC20) on the same Ethereum address. This tutorial will show you how to store these tokens on your Ledger Nano S using My Ether Wallet.

1) Obtain a Ledger Nano S from the Ledger Wallet Store at

2) Setup your Ledger Nano S, unlock the device, and open your Ethereum wallet on the device. (see photo #1)

3) Once you’re in the Ethereum wallet on the Ledger, you must navigate to the “Settings” menu in the Ether Wallet. (see photo #2)

4) In the Settings for the Ethereum wallet, you have two options: Contract Data and Browser support. Turn BOTH of these to “Yes” (see photos)

5) Now that you’ve completed your Ledger settings, you will no longer access your Ethereum wallet via the Desktop app (for ETH ONLY), but you will now access all of your Ethereum and tokens via WARNING: DO NOT CLICK LINKS FOR MEW, BUT ALWAYS TYPE IN THE WEB ADDRESS YOURSELF AND MAKE SURE YOU ARE AT THE CORRECT URL.

6) Open and navigate to “Send Ether and Tokens” (see photo #6)

7) At this point, your Ledger Nano S must be unlocked and the Ethereum wallet open or MEW will not recognize it.

8) Check the URL. Click the “Ledger Wallet” satellite button. Click “Connect to Ledger Wallet” (see photos #7 & 8)


9) On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see a button that says “Add Custom Token.” (See photo #9) This is how you get MEW to recognize specific token balances for YOUR ledger. The information required for these fields can be found at the etherscan website for the AirToken data (this same process can be applied for ANY ERC20 token) I obtained the information for AirToken here:

The information for the fields are as follows. The token address is: 0x27dce1ec4d3f72c3e457cc50354f1f975ddef488. The Symbol is AIR, and the Decimal is 8.

10) Once you save that information, all of your AIR balances will be recognized by MEW. You can send and receive ALL ERC20 tokens to the same Ethereum address (provided by your Ledger). You can manage all your tokens from the same place and with the same address. If you want to send your AIR to cold storage, you use the Ethereum address given to you by your Ledger Nano S.

How to SEND your AirTokens from MEW using your Ledger: (See photo #10)

1) Connect your Ledger Nano S, open your MEW, click Send Ether and Tokens (instructions above)

2) Enter the recieving address you want to send your AirTokens to.

3) Select AIR from the drop-down box in MEW.

4) Enter the amount of AIR you want to send. (The appropriate amount of gas should set itself)

5) Click “Generate Transaction.”

6) Verify the transaction by pressing the hardware button on your Ledger Nano S. (See photo #11)

7) Click “Send Transaction”

8) It will ask you one more time to verify all of the information. Double check for accuracy, and if accurate, send your AirTokens! That’s it!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask, and I will get back to you as soon as possible! AirToken Discord Username: freeme62410. This process can be replicated for any type of integration with MyEtherWallet. So if you use MetaMask, Trezor, or any other MEW integration, you would follow a near-identical process.




William Ryan

Community Manager. Friend. I have a strong passion for fintech, blockchain, philanthropy, and the great power of positive thinking