GNY Machine Learning: A Deeper Look

William Ryan
6 min readDec 18, 2018


The world we live in is drastically different than it was years ago. When I was a teenager, I got my first mobile phone: a Nokia 6110. I was thrilled that I could play snake in my history class. Surely, innovation was at its peak. Flash forward nearly twenty years, and the breakthroughs in modern technology are staggering, and I speculate in another twenty, I will look back on these statements and laugh. As humans, we are always looking for new ways to improve. Essentially, the ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life for all people. That is what technology is really about, isn’t it?

Student Surpasses Teacher

The most powerful and awe-inspiring computer on the planet is the human brain. There is no computer that can match the intricacies and impressiveness of what is human consciousness and cognitive ability. However, there are some things that computers can just do…better. We can program the logic, but the machine can execute at speeds that even the brightest minds could not. With the advancement of AI and machine learning, we are now seeing the fruit of this labor. The culmination years of fine-tuning and improving on the technology now allow it to be applied seamlessly and easily to a grand number of different use cases.

Where Patterns Emerge…

Machine learning is a beautiful tool. These tools can analyze data in minutes, find patterns, and apply various scenarios; thus predictions arise. Years of data science has taught us proven methods for the application of data to form information. When information is applied, it births knowledge and wisdom. We discovered that this entire process could be automated, allowing us as humans to focus on more important issues, such as innovation. The amount of time, energy, and money machine learning saves us is staggering. Thus, the student surpasses the teacher. Without getting into all the complexities of how machine learning works, understanding the value it can have on basically aspect of human life is worth noting. We have yet to see the full potential of how revolutionary this technology is, but as time goes forward, it will become undeniably apparent.

We have seen an incredible inflow of interest in permissionless blockchain applications. We have heard all of the amazing things it can do, but we have also seen the struggles of adoption: dApps with no users, growing disinterest, and increasing levels of bad press surrounding this technology. Seeing the value in decentralization, it was never difficult for me to become immersed in this brave new world, but now that the hype has died down, it really has become a critical point where this space needs real users. This is the time where good projects must be born with real, useful products. We all know what it “could” be, but it’s useless if it’s not being actively applied.

Currently, machine learning is heavily proprietary, and is developed and implemented within silos. As effective as it has been, GNY’s strategy is markedly different than legacy machine learning companies. GNY has been developing their machine learning technology since 2015, and great strides have been made since that time. Utilizing blockchain allows any business across the globe to easily and quickly access machine learning to improve their infrastructure, strategy, and application of their business plans, regardless of geographical location, with ease. GNY’s product is already live. In order to achieve full compliance, GNY has taken a “build, then talk” approach, and prior to raising funds, they build their product first. Offering a variety of solutions, GNY is able to consult the particular needs of any company, and apply their machine learning vehicle to basically any aspect of any business. The goal and idea is to create a one-touch solution, vastly reducing the difficulty of accessing and applying this game-changing technology. This is not just talk. GNY is already demonstrating their usefulness. Recently, several demonstrations were made for public institutions, including assisting in catching child sexual predators, and planning city bus and bicycle routes. They’ve already announced their first commercial partner, ReThink, and say several more are on the way.

Not only does this do a great justice to the machine learning world, but it directly impacts the blockchain space as well. The idea is to bring new users into the space, offering legitimacy to blockchain technology. Everyone can use machine learning. Not only that, but with the creation of GNY sidechains, even other blockchains can utilize machine learning features. I believe building products that can be used today is incredibly important to to the viability and direction the space will take. Bringing in new users now to this space is critical, and GNY is hitting all the marks.

Lisk Machine Learning

In addition to GNY Tokens, the GNY team has created Lisk Machine Learning. Being fans of Javascript and Lisk, it was a no-brainer. Even though the team is blockchain agnostic, they still wanted to utilize Lisk’s ability to create sidechains on their platform. By creating the LML token, projects will be able to build chains on the parent LML chain and directly utilize machine learning within the Lisk ecosystem while accessing the great power of the most prevalent programming language in the world: javascript. This same strategy can be applied to any chain and programming language. This is only first gear.


Being blockchain veterans themselves, the GNY team is very cognizant of token economics, and has developed a bright strategy to directly benefit those who hold both GNY and LML tokens. Operating on delegated proof-of-stake (dPoS) has many benefits, including allowing token holders to stake their coins from cold storage. This alone provides a way for holders to earn more tokens. In addition to this, a form of “masternode” is required to run a node, so large numbers of tokens will be kept out of circulation. The token has significant utility as well. GNY/LML tokens will be required to use the platform, thus driving adoption and buy pressure. The network effect will become obvious as more companies utilize the GNY platform. With the earliest backers in mind, GNY has taken a prudent approach to include backers in their thought process. Additionally, since launch about one month ago, LML has been listed on several exchanges.



Community is very important to any project in this space, and GNY is well aware of its importance to have a robust and active community. They are actively taking the steps to build out communities across blockchain. It’s clear they mean business, and since launch, they have done nothing but deliver. As a GNY delegate, I would like to invite you to join the conversation. You can find us in the GNY Telegram. If you are interested in using the platform, becoming a delegate, or just have questions, feel free to come into our cozy community and say hello. I encourage you to join us, and of course, vote for GNY.US 💪

All the best!

William Ryan — GNY.US




GNY/LML Highlights by John Muck:

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William Ryan

Community Manager. Friend. I have a strong passion for fintech, blockchain, philanthropy, and the great power of positive thinking