Kambria Project5 AxU Competition

William Ryan
3 min readJan 29, 2019


Kambria, the blockchain project created to streamline innovation in Robotics and AI using Open Innovation Protocols, was recently listed on the Allbit Exchange platform with the KAT/APOT trading pair! In addition to this incredible news, Allbit, the global decentralized exchange, in collaboration with the very popular Upbit Exchange, has launched the highly anticipated AxU Project 5 Trade Listing Competition.

Allbit, partnered with Upbit, will provide priority project reviews to the top three winners of the AxU Proj5 Competition. While winning the AxU Trading Listing Competition does not guarantee a listing on Upbit’s KRW market, it does provide an avenue to be considered as a priority for token review to be listed on Korea’s premier exchange.

Kambria has been named as one of the five projects to be a part of the Proj5 Competition! While this is great news for KAT Token holders, we recognize that the competition will be fierce. Kambria has a tough road ahead if its to be named in the top three based on the following criteria:

  • All tokens must be traded against the APOT trading pair for KAT.
  • Volume: 40% of the total score is based on total trade volume for each coin.
  • Number of Traders: 25% of the total score is based on total number of traders for each coin.
  • Hold Amounts: 15% of the total score is based on the total number of tokens held on the Allbit Platform (during the duration of the contest).
  • Token Votes: 20% of the total score is based on the number of votes a token receives.

As you can see, volume is critical for this event, as it is not the standard voting competition. Trade volume accounts for 40% of the competition’s criteria, so it is up to the KAT community to trade as frequently as possible in order for KAT to win the competition and be considered to be listed on the Upbit Exchange.

The top 3 winners will be listed on Allbit BTC, ETH Market, and will receive priority review and recommendation for Upbit KRW Market listing.

The competition will be conducted on Allbit APOT Market from January 30 until March 4, 2019 (KST, GMT+9).

How to participate

Step 1: Register an account on https://allbit.com/register, and complete the verification and issue/import a wallet

Step 2: Go to https://allbit.com/project5/vote and Vote on Kambria project (either use CREDIT or APOT)

Please note that:

- Voting is possible using credits or APOT tokens ONLY. (Can be used together) 50 credit = 1 APOT

- Voting is only allowed once per day, and cannot be canceled after the voting is complete.

- You will receive airdrop rewards after the event ends.

A statement from the Kambria Telegram Channel:

This is a community event in which we hope you all will participate! Kambria will need to place in the Top 3 in order to be considered for listing on the Upbit KRW Market. Thank you all for your support!

For more information, please visit: https://allbit.com/project5/vote

I hope you will show your support! Please read all of the criteria closely and carefully, and happy trading!


— William



William Ryan

Community Manager. Friend. I have a strong passion for fintech, blockchain, philanthropy, and the great power of positive thinking