Fastest $1000 🤑 With AI + ChatGPT in 2024 (CustomGPT store)

11 min readJan 28, 2024


While all other content creators are busy creating content using their cameras, there are some YouTube channels using content generated solely by using Chat GPT and some secret AI’s that is generating them over thousands of dollars every month by just working for 30 minutes a day.

This is the fastest way to earn over $1,000 in 2024, where you can use AI-generated content to make thousands of dollars a month because AI-generated content easily trends nowadays, and those videos get a ton of views on YouTube and other social media platforms.

For example, these are some of the YouTube short channels that are using the content generated completely by the AI, which helps them to get a lot of views in less time and grow their channel fast.

They sell their community posts for anywhere from $100 to $500 per post, depending on their niche.

Also, some YouTube channels are creating long-form content for their channel and generating over thousands of dollars every month from YouTube itself. Today, I will show you how you can also create content like this with just one click of a button and make money online, the fastest way possible.

Step 1: Search For ChatGPT

So, Consider given this post a clap and a follow and let’s start with step number one, which is to search for ChatGPT in Google and select this link from the Google search results.

It will take you to ChatGPT’s homepage, from where you can easily sign up for Chat GPT and log into your account.

Once you log into your ChatGPT account for creating the AI-generated videos, the first thing you need to do is to click where it says “Explore GPTs.” It will then take you to a custom GPT store page, from where you can select many different GPTs and use them for different purposes.

But for the purpose of this video, I want you to search for Video AI by Nvidia in the search bar and select this GPT from there. It will take you to a new tab where you can see that you can now create videos directly from within Chat GPT using Video AI by Nvidia.

All you need to do is type in the idea for your video, and Video AI will generate a ready-to-publish video for you with an engaging script, background music, subtitles, relevant footage, and even a human-sounding voiceover.

Not just that, but you can also edit and make tweaks to your video with simple text commands like change the voiceover, change the script, the footage, and much more.

Step : Select the Niche

But before we create a video, step number two is to select the niche for our YouTube channel.

You can choose any niche you are interested in, but there are some niches that perform best with AI-generated content.

One such niche is the facts channel niche, where you can share facts related to Earth, facts about space, people related to machines, and much more.

The scope of this niche is very broad, and you will never feel out of ideas in this niche.

Most of the AI-generated content in this niche usually goes viral on social media platforms like YouTube.

The only drawback of this niche is that you don’t get much per community post you sell on your YouTube channel. You can charge anywhere from $30 to $150 per community post you sell on the facts channel.

The other best niche for AI-generated content is the personal finance niche.

Everyone wants to save their income in different interest-generating opportunities, and everyone wants to earn some extra money.

For this, the personal finance niche is the best. In this niche, you will get paid a good amount per community post.

You can charge anywhere between $1,100 to $1,500 per community post you sell, depending on your subscribers and view count.

Step 3: Create The Video

For the purpose of this video, we will be choosing the personal finance niche. So, step number three is to come back to the Chat GPT Video AI by Nvidia.

By the way, you can Click Here to come over to the Chat GPT Video AI page once you log into your Chat GPT 4 account.

Now you need to give a prompt to Chat GPT related to the video you want to create. The more detailed the prompt, the better the results will be.

So, for our personal finance niche, you can go with a simple prompt like this:

“Create a 3-minute YouTube video about the differences between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset and how switching over to a growth mindset can make you very successful in all walks of life. Include vivid and creative examples to illustrate your points. Be funny and casual.”

You can add as many details as you want to get the best-desired results. After that, just press enter, and ChatGPT will start doing the research on the topic using Video AI.

It will ask your permission to talk to the Invideo AI official website for the purpose of creating this video.

You just need to click confirm from there, and ChatGPT will contact the Invideo AI to create the video.

In just 10 seconds, Chat GPT will provide you with the title of your video and the link for the video. Using this, you can watch the video generated by ChatGPT and Video AI by Invideo.

So, once you click on the video link, it will take you to the Invideo AI homepage, where you need to log into your account to access the video.

If you don’t have an account on Invideo already, you can create one for completely free by filling in your email address in this box and clicking on “Create Account.”

Once you log into your Invideo account, you need to click on the video link again, and it will now take you to your Invideo AI dashboard, which will look something like this.

Here, the Invideo AI will research more data related to the video, analyze the data, give a perfect title to the video, generate the script for the video, create the scenes of the video, add media to the scenes, and in just 3 to 5 minutes, your video will be ready, which you can watch by clicking on this play icon.

As you can see, our video is ready, so let’s listen to this right now.

So, as you can see, it has generated a marvelous script for the video. The voiceover is just amazing, there is nice background music that aligns with our video theme. It has even added some text throughout the video.

Not only that, if you scroll through the video, you can see that it has used so many different premium clips from premium websites like iStock and Storyblocks, which is really awesome.

Don’t worry about the watermarks in the video; you can remove the watermarks while exporting the video.

If you think that this is already impressive, just wait till you see what else it can do.

The next thing is to edit this video if you don’t like something or if you just want to add something to the video or remove something from it.

There are three ways you can go about editing this.

The first way to edit this is having Invideo themselves regenerate the complete video for you.

You can do this by clicking on this regenerate icon at the down left side, and Invideo will provide you with the second and new version of the video.

The second way to edit your videos is by doing it manually. To do this, you want to click on this edit button under the video.

The popup window will open up, and it will give you two options: to edit the media or to edit the script.

Starting with the edit media, you can see all the different media in video used to generate the video.

As you can see, whenever you click on a particular media, it highlights the part of the script for which the media was used.

For example, if we don’t want the first clip in the video, you can either click upload and upload something from your computer device, or you can search different stock footage from over 8 million stock footage available on Invideo.

So, whatever you want for the video, you can search that into the search bar, and on stock option, you can select all and hit enter.

Then, it will search for the images and the videos and show you all the different stock footage related to your search term.

Then, you can simply select any of the media from here, and it will be replaced in that scene.

All you need to do is hit apply changes, and then the AI will start changing the media.

Now the video is ready, and if we hit play again, as you can see, it has replaced the first scene with the clip that we selected.

Now, if you want to manually edit the script, you can click edit script over here.

Here, we can see the entire script, and we can change any part of the script or the whole script if we want to.

Also, you can add a whole new chapter by clicking on these three dots and selecting either the add chapter before or add chapter after option from there.

Once you have made changes, just click on apply changes, and the Invideo AI will apply the changes to your video.

Now, the third way to edit the video is by just typing in this box what you need to be changed, edited, or replaced in the video.

You can ask it to add a new intro to the video, change the pace of the video, change the background music, increase the volume of the background music, change the voiceover, and much, much more.

You can tell this AI to pretty much make any changes to the video, and it will apply the exact same changes to the video.

For example, if I ask it to add English subtitles throughout the video and press generate, the Invideo AI will take a few seconds and present you with the video with subtitles in it.

It will add subtitles to the video. I am going to put a picture of some of the prompts that might be helpful for you, but you can pretty much ask it to do anything for you in the video, and it will do the same.

One more important thing is that you need a Chat GPT for subscription to access the custom GPT store and create videos with Chat GPT Video AI by Invideo.

Also, Invideo AI has an app that is available on iOS that has the exact same interface, and you can use the same steps to create videos on the go.

You can access the videos you create on the web and the app. I will leave a link below this post, and you can access the Video AI GPT from the GPT store by using that link.

đź’Ą Video AI By InVideo:

đź’Ą InVideo AI:

Step 4: Export The Video

Now, once you are satisfied with the video, step number four is to export the video.

Just click on where it says “Export” and select “Export Video” from there. Then, you want to select the resolution of your video.

Just make sure you have 1080p selected. Now, if you want, you can export the video with iStock and Storyblocks watermark on it.

But if you’re serious about video creation and want to publish videos without a watermark, which I highly recommend, you should upgrade to a paid plan which starts at as low as $20 per month.

This is the ideal plan for the type of videos we want to create with Invideo AI.

Once you download the video, you can upload the same to your YouTube channel, and then just rinse and repeat. That’s it for today. Thanks for watching.

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