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How To Find Your Aesthetic

Finch Tangerine
3 min readJan 20, 2023


Regardless of how you make your art, how will you make it unique?

Now you start making your art day by day, putting in every aspect of your soul, time, energy and sweat. You then want to look at everyone else who makes art and now you start getting inspired. Taking aspect’s from this artist, drawing those thick line’s like that one artist you remember; even making your post fashioned after an artist you deeply admire.

Even if you make art with Ai or make it by hand (kinda like me.) Your going to hit that wall… “How do I make unique art?”

So I will clarify one thing, yes, your allowed to be inspired by other artist’s and make fan-art of their works, and most artist’s say take from other techniques artist’s so you can become one of the greats.

However, what I’ve learned from doing that is you’ll eventually become a copycat. Yeah starting out its’ fine, because your learning ropes, hell, I do painting studies so I can replicate having a more hard-edged style. It’s when your only doing what they do, or copying down ever-single-paint-stroke and not understanding why they painted like that to begin with. Again, this is all fine, but you’ll only draw, write, or paint like they do.

And I assume you want to create something that’s wholly you?

Again I’m only 2-years into my artistic journey but here’s some tips I can lend.

So, first things first, learn the fundamentals. Like making a cube, making it in perspective, and doing a bit of shading and I can assure you that’ll help you make your own aesthetic. Like maybe you’ll learn a cool way to do crosshatching with lines to make deep-black-shadows, or you figure out how to make unholy looking monsters-because of the uncanny valley you achieve by matching unknown keywords together with your Ai-Prompts. Furthermore, doing the basic’s allow you to unlock ways to draw what you want, and even if you do a study of someone else’s work. You actually can visualize how an artist made there piece’s and understand how those piece’s were made. It’ll even allow you to do more cooler stuff for your art in the future.

Now, before I go, one more thing I’ll say is, is experiment, experiment, and experiment. yes this advice is well known, but it’s always good to be reminded about this. I know for my sake when I’m having art trouble or burnout. Literally just making a piece where all you do is just do is doodle, really works. Because, you know it’s a piece you aren’t going to show anyone, and some thing’s you never thought about will appear on those piece’s you make. You may: learn about a brush that you assumed wasn’t good because of the bristle were to harsh turn’s out to be a good tool for making textures. Or you learn how to shade differently because you did a different way of painting.

In the end, I hope you can keep creating, since it all gives us an outlet.



Finch Tangerine

Writer, Painter, Gamer, and someone who's always looking for knowledge. Pretty much this a resource to help me keep writing, and maybe you too.