Introducing the World’s First Ultra-Fast, Truly Scalable Universal Blockchain — Fincor.

4 min readApr 1, 2022


Decentralized finance is the most revolutionary concept of the last decade. It has been transforming the digital world and opening doors to new possibilities. One of the essential opportunities that the invention of DeFi introduced — the idea of the metaverse.

However, we haven’t been anywhere near to the achievement of this — many metaverses already exist, but they are fragmented and in no way interconnected. That is, until the invention of the Fincor blockchain.

Bridges Are Not The Answer

As a solution to the fragmentation of blockchains, many projects have turned to Layer-2 solutions — so-called “bridges”. They do work as short-term solutions, providing interoperability between blockchains, however, at the same time bridges introduce even more problems to the DeFi universe.

Bridges lack security, transparency, and are way too complex.

Bridges work outside the Layer-1 blockchains they are built on. This makes them vulnerable as they create additional openings that hackers can take advantage of.

Besides, Layer-2 solutions hide transaction history and inner workings from the public.

And even further, bridges introduce a serious challenge for developers — they have to develop copies of their smart contract for other blockchains and then ensure compatibility with multiple cross-chain bridges.

That’s Where Fincor Steps in

The Fincor chain was built to unify various blockchains and eliminate the need for bridges. With a revolutionary new Proof-of-Unity (PoU) Consensus, Fincor will bring Bitcoin, Ethereum, and any other major chain together. Thus creating the first-ever universal blockchain.

The Proof-of-Unity consensus algorithm developed by Fincor provides Layer-1 connectivity between different blockchains, directly within the blockchain.


Proof-of-Unity combines the four main consensus algorithms of the DeFi space, such as Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake, and integrates them into a decentralized artificial intelligence system.

Fincor Solves The Trilemma

Besides, Fincor also solves the trilemma of security, speed, and scalability, allowing you to quickly process a large volume of transactions without sacrificing anything.

Fincor’s PoU mechanism communicates between blockchains and allows transactions not just to be processed quickly, it allows them to be processed in parallel. That is, as the load on the network increases, the speed of transaction processing automatically increases too.

Currently, the Fincor network can process 7,000 transactions per second but there are no limits for Fincor.

Fincor AI

Fincor is powered by a decentralized and constantly self-improving Al engine. The main functions of the Fincor AI system include:

● Monitoring the work of validators and relays to eliminate the risk of any malicious activity.

● Separation of transactions into parallel streams that are processed and confirmed simultaneously, thus highly increasing the capacity.

● Load distribution across validator pools to improve network performance.

● Continuous network testing to identify and fix any emerging vulnerabilities.

● Changing the dynamic block size to optimize network performance.

The Fincor AI system is not only constantly improving itself, but it is also decentralized — each validator contains a separate AI agent that is evolving on its own.

The Benefits of Fincor

  • It’s low cost — By optimizing across consensus algorithms, Fincor reduces commissions and drops resource consumption to a minimum — transaction fees as low as $0.00001.
  • It’s transparent — Fincor keeps its operations in a public blockchain, ensuring that the full Fincor ecosystem is fully transparent and trustworthy.
  • It’s secure — Decentralized Al-system continuously checks and predicts vulnerabilities that could affect the system. Cross-chain transactions in Fincor never leave the blockchain space, so cyber criminals don’t have any chance for success.
  • It’s decentralized — There are no centralized elements in the Fincor ecosystem. Every single aspect of the network is governed by the community.
  • It’s fast — The Fincor network can support a theoretically infinite transaction volume and speed.
  • It’s environment-friendly — Thanks to Al-powered optimization, the Fincor network consumes very little energy to maintain its PoU consensus.
  • It’s development-friendly — Fincor’s Al helps in both smart-contract development and testing. Fincor is also fully EVM-compatible meaning that Ethereum-based smart contracts and dApps can be transferred directly to Fincor.
  • It’s universal — Fincor’s cross-chain infrastructure is ready to power the growing metaverse of games, tokens, and NFTs, ensuring a seamless user experience. Developers can build dApps and smart contracts easily and securely across chains.

Fincor is the revolution of blockchain technology — ultra-fast, ultra-scalable, and ultra-cheap.

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World’s first ultra-fast, super-scalable cross-chain Layer-1 ecosystem