Redefining NFTs: The Paragon Experience Platform

4 min readApr 22, 2023


Remember these pieces

If you’ve been following the Paragon journey, you know we’ve held most of the platform in stealth mode. That changes now (check it out or simply read on).

As we draw nearer to Paragon’s beta, launch, and collection mint, we’ve developed a unifying brand and message around the idea of experiences that NFTs create (shoutout to our friends at Proto for guiding us through that process). It’s easy to say that we’re about to unleash an Experience Platform, but what does that mean?

We’re excited to breakdown how this first-of-its-kind Web3 project will offer new ways to realize value with NFTs— through the experiences unlocked via those NFTs and their communities. There are three pieces to this:

  • The NFT Experience Platform itself
  • The NFT Discovery Engine
  • The Paragon Genesis Collection

The NFT Experience Platform

Permissionless NFT financing

NFTs are more than an asset. They’re a doorway to new worlds — an ever-evolving ticket to new experiences. As more projects launch and more creators discover how to use the tech, the amount of experiences available will explode.

Paragon’s platform will create access to those experiences — customized to the user. If you’re in on a project for the long run, you can buy access to that NFT experience as you would anywhere else. But if you’re not sure what you want, or you want to try-before-you-buy, or you just want the NFT temporarily, you can

  • Rent for a period of time
  • Buy (and own) now and pay later (finance)
  • Rent-to-buy so you can decide as you go

And if you’re the owner of an NFT with access or utility, you have a new way to realize value without having to sell it (unless you want to!).

The NFT Discovery Engine

Seek and you shall find

If you’re an NFT enthusiast, you are probably in 30+ Discord servers, follow 500 luminaries on Twitter and subscribe to half a dozen Substacks just to get an idea of what is happening in this ever-evolving space.

That’s a lot of work.

The Discovery Engine we’re building will make finding the experiences that NFTs unlock easier. It’s a calendar, a feed, and a curated list of suggestions for what rabbit hole you might want to go down. All actionable — you can do what you discover right on the platform.

The Paragon Genesis Collection

A Collective of Collections

The Paragon Genesis Collection is more than a PFP collection (though it is that as well). It’s also an experience we’re calling Find The Paragon:

  • A game experience from Day 1 (deep dive on that here)
  • A reward system for the platform (deep dive on that coming soon)
  • A cross-collection community experience (deep dive on that right now, read on):

WTF is a Cross-Collection Community Experience?

Find The Paragon” is a bit of a misnomer, but we’re using the name anyway, cuz it’s easier than Find The Paragonsssss, which is a more accurate name given there are many Paragons out there. The cross-community key to this experience is that anyone — from any community — can seek Paragons.


That’s right — you can use almost any NFT. Anyone with an ETH NFT (more chains coming soon) can “Seek,” which is our name for sending an NFT out questing for loot. Loot comes in the form of

  • Boosts that increase success chances
  • Off-chain Collectibles
  • The Paragon utility token
  • NFTs including our 2 other collections and even totally separate collections (check our deep dive on the mechanics for more).

Now — you can use the Paragon NFTs to increase your success rates and loot, but you don’t have to.

Everyone is in.

The Seekers are heroes (except that guy on the end — he’s NGMI)

We’ll be partnering with other projects and communities throughout Season 1 and beyond to give specific communities boosts, extras, and bonuses, so if you’re a project owner or collaboration manager, hit us up to be among the first communities to be featured. We’ll be announcing the timing and rollout for all of this in the coming days.

This Sounds Awesome — Now What?

There is a ton coming your way, so follow along as each of the parts of Paragon release:

  • For The NFT Experience Platform: Give Medium a Follow
  • For The NFT Discovery Engine: Give feedback on needs/features on Twitter
  • For the Genesis Collection: Get Mint-List ASAP in the Discord

And if you haven’t already, bookmark It’s evolving everyday!

