25 High ticket Affiliate marketing products you should promote

Omar Aly
6 min readNov 4, 2023

In the thrilling world of affiliate marketing, earning high-ticket commissions can feel like nabbing the Holy Grail. You know what they say — “With great affiliate products, comes great affiliate responsibility.” Okay, maybe they don’t say that exactly, but you catch my drift. If you’re ready to take the plunge into high-ticket affiliate marketing, we’ve got the scoop on the 25 hottest products to promote, and you’d better believe we’re kicking things off with Legendary Marketer!

1. Legendary Marketer: Become the Affiliate Legend You Were Born to Be

Picture this: You, sipping a tropical drink, lazing on a beach, and watching your bank account grow. That’s the dream Legendary Marketer offers! It’s like the James Bond of affiliate programs, but without all the spy gadgets. You can promote cutting-edge business training, funnel creation, and more. Legendary Marketer is your Q to help you gear up for an adventure in the affiliate marketing universe. The legendary marketer is probably one of the best high ticket-affiliate products out there. Especially, that the program is probably the most popular in the ‘affiliate marketing/digital marketing’ space in the world. (No. 63rd in the US to be exact :)) And their most popular program is the ’15 day online business builder challenge’ in this challenge, where you learn skills necessary to start an online digital freelancing agency in 15 days. Thats right… and all for $7! .

CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE 15 DAY BUSINESS BUILDER CHALLENGE (Disclaimer: I am an affiliate for legendary marketer, meaning if you purchase from the link, I get paid a commission)

If you are interested to know more about legendary marketer and other products/ educational programs they sell… make sure to check my other article on The ‘legendary marketer’ complete review


2. ClickFunnels: Turning Web Traffic into Gold

In the realm of affiliate marketing, ClickFunnels is your magical wardrobe to Narnia. This platform transforms web visitors into loyal customers. Picture Willy Wonka’s golden ticket — but instead of chocolate, it’s a ticket to skyrocketing commissions.


3. Amazon Associates: Join the Retail Avengers

Amazon, the Colossus of e-commerce, welcomes you to the affiliate Avengers. Help people discover the perfect products, earn a commission, and become the Tony Stark of affiliate marketing. “I am Amazon Associate!”

4. Shopify: Crafting Digital Empires, One Store at a Time

Shopify is where Cinderella meets e-commerce. Turn small businesses into fairy tale successes. Wave your wand, or rather your affiliate link, and help entrepreneurs realize their dreams of online retail grandeur.

5. SEMrush: Dominate the SEO Universe

SEMrush isn’t just a tool; it’s your mighty Mjolnir in the world of SEO. Help fellow online warriors conquer the Search Engine realms and climb the ranking mountain. With SEMrush, you’re more a superhero than affiliate. SEMRUSH provides all bloggers necessary tools to succeed from keyword search, SEO, search volume and much more.


6. Bluehost: Unlocking the Secrets of Digital Real Estate

Picture this: You’re like Indiana Jones, uncovering ancient treasures in the digital world. Bluehost is your trusty fedora and whip, leading you to affiliate riches. Every successful website needs a reliable host, and you’re the tour guide.

7. Teachable: Master of Digital Dojos

With Teachable, you’re the sensei of affiliate marketing. You’ll help people build and sell online courses, becoming the Yoda of e-learning. The force is strong with this affiliate product, and so are your commissions.

8. WP Engine: The Bodyguard of WordPress

Just call yourself the Kevin Costner of the digital world. WP Engine offers impeccable WordPress hosting, ensuring websites stay safe and speedy. It’s a match made in web heaven, and you’re the matchmaker.

9. AWeber: Sending Your Email Marketing to the Stars

AWeber is your intergalactic starship, navigating the vast email marketing cosmos. Join the likes of Han Solo and Chewbacca by promoting this affiliate product. Trust us; the force is strong with those who master AWeber.

10. Adobe Creative Cloud: Unleash Your Inner Creative Jedi

Adobe Creative Cloud is like a lightsaber for creative minds. Promote these tools and help graphic artists, video editors, and illustrators unleash their inner Jedi. As an affiliate, you’re the Yoda guiding them to a galaxy of creativity.

11. Shopify Plus: Transforming Small Rebels into E-commerce Empires

Shopify Plus caters to the big players, just like the Rebel Alliance. Promote this affiliate product, and you’re like General Leia, leading businesses to victory in the galaxy of e-commerce.

12. BigCommerce: The Giant Slayer of E-commerce

Picture yourself as David, and BigCommerce as your slingshot. You’re here to help small businesses conquer giants in the e-commerce battlefield. With BigCommerce, you’re not just an affiliate; you’re a hero.

13. Liquid Web: Captain of the Hosting Ship

Liquid Web is the ship, and you’re Captain Jack Sparrow navigating the seas of hosting. Help website owners find a safe harbor with this affiliate product and sail towards abundant commissions.

14. Kajabi: Master of the E-learning Dojo

Kajabi is your sacred training ground, like the Shaolin Temple for digital entrepreneurs. It’s the dojo where you mentor heroes and heroines of online education. You’re their wise sensei and the guardian of Kajabi’s affiliate treasures.

15. Fiverr: Hitchhiking Through the Freelance Galaxy

Fiverr is your spacecraft in the vast freelance galaxy. Offer services from across the cosmos and gain commissions as you connect clients with talented freelancers. You’re like the Star-Lord of freelance networking.

16. Upwork: Your Time Machine to Future Freelancing

Upwork is your DeLorean, ready to transport clients and freelancers to the future of work. Channel your inner Doc Brown, connect Marty McFly with opportunities, and earn royalties.

17. Copywriting — AWAI (American Writers & Artists Institute): Where Wordsmiths are Forged

AWAI is your Hogwarts School of Copywriting. Promote this affiliate product and help aspiring writers become wizards of words. You’re like Professor Dumbledore in their journey to literary magic.

18. Repurpose.io: Recycling Content, One Affiliate at a Time

Repurpose.io is your eco-friendly affiliate tool. Help content creators breathe new life into their materials and reach wider audiences. You’re like the Captain Planet of the content world, promoting sustainability and earning commissions. With Repurpose.io you can save your biggest asset as a business owner, time. Upload one video on a platform and repurpose.io will republish it to multiple other accounts of yours like pinterest,tiktok, insta etc.


19. The ClickBank Marketplace: The Bazaar of Digital Dreams

ClickBank is like Aladdin’s marketplace for digital products. As an affiliate, you’re Aladdin himself, helping people discover magical items and earning your own treasures.

20. MaxBounty: Where Bountiful Commissions Await

MaxBounty is your treasure map, leading you to bountiful commissions. You’re like Indiana Jones, navigating uncharted territories in the world of affiliate marketing.

21. JVZoo: The Affiliate Colosseum

Think of JVZoo as the Roman Colosseum of affiliate marketing. As an affiliate, you’re the gladiator, fighting for glory and bagging high-ticket commissions.

22. Bluehost India: Affiliate the Bollywood Way

For the Bollywood-inspired affiliate, Bluehost India is your blockbuster hit. Take center stage and help Indian website owners create their own online blockbusters. You’re the Shah Rukh Khan of affiliate marketing.

23. Elegant Themes (Divi): Creating Webmasterpieces

Elegant Themes’ Divi is the palette for webmasters. As an affiliate, you’re the Da Vinci, helping artists paint their digital masterpieces and reaping your share of the artistry.

24. TubeBuddy: The Sidekick to Every YouTube Hero

TubeBuddy is your trusty sidekick in the world of YouTube. Just like Robin complements Batman, you enhance the abilities of content creators and share in their success. It is literally the best tool for Aspiring youtubers to grow their channel faster. From keyword searcher, A-B testing, youtube description and script generator, thumbnail generator and other valuable insights.


25. Thrive Themes: The Architect of Online Success

Thrive Themes is your blueprint for affiliate triumph. Help website owners construct their digital empires, just like Tony Stark in his lab. Your commissions are the suits of success.

Conclusion: So there you have it, folks, the 25 best high-ticket affiliate products you could ever hope to promote. Legendary Marketer gets the honor of being our superhero origin story, but each product is like a unique chapter in your affiliate adventure. Whichever you choose, remember, the force is strong in you, affiliate Jedi. Now, go out there and conquer the digital world!

