What Do You Do When You Realize Your Goals?

Fitness with AnimalšŸ’Ŗāœ
2 min readAug 2, 2017


Iā€™ve Failedā€¦

Iā€™m convinced there are only a few things that can truly destroy someoneā€™s Motivation & Drive.

The obvious ones are Drugs/Alcohol Abuse, Depression, Divorce, Death in the Familyā€¦and many other horrible things.

What Iā€™m writing today is NOT about ANY of those thingsā€¦so Trust Me when I say that this post isnā€™t going to ā€œbum you outā€ or ā€œbring ya down man.ā€šŸ˜Š

In fact, I hope it does the opposite!šŸ˜Š

Success, Freedom & Happinessā€¦

What happens if you achieve those things?šŸ¤”

What happens if youā€™ve realized one of your Life-long Goalsā€¦

ā€¦and youā€™re truly Happy (Joyful & Content are better words actually).

You see, I have Failed to do the things I have Promised Myself (and others)ā€¦that I was going to do in the past 7 days.

Iā€™ve Failed.

But itā€™s not b/c Iā€™m lazy, depressed, angryā€¦or upset.

Itā€™s b/c I now wake up in the morning and feel ā€œAt Home!ā€šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Š

This is weird b/c I really donā€™t have a ā€œHome.ā€

Or at least, what most people in the world would call a home.

Iā€™m a permanent Digital Nomadā€¦and I ainā€™t ever gonna give this life up.šŸ˜Š

Itā€™s too Fascinating, Beautiful, Challenging, Exciting & just plain oleā€™ FUN!!!

Back to my pointā€¦

How often do you wake up and feel so ā€œHappy & Contentā€ that you just lay there being very, very Thankful for all you have?

Iā€™m seriousā€¦

When was the LAST TIME you just laid in bed, and felt Amazing b/c you were Living Your Dream?

Day in, Day outā€¦you were doing stuff you LOVED to do.

Even the small stuff seemed inconsequential, b/c you were just so darn Happy & Content.

Wellā€¦thatā€™s been my ā€œproblem!ā€

hahaā€¦I really donā€™t think itā€™s a problem, other than the fact that it makes me NOT nearly as Motivated toā€¦

ā€” > Be the Best Fitness CopyWriter on the planet

ā€” > Train to be the Best Jitz Fighter & Muay Thai Training-Dude I can be

ā€” > Hit 225 pounds @ 8% BodyfatšŸ’ŖšŸ»

ā€” > Do a TON of other Business stuff I have planned for my company ā€œAnimalā€™s Awesomeness FUNdā€

ā€” > Help the Ministry I help now, with more $$$ and other stuffšŸ˜Š

The reason I wrote this is b/c I hope my Fellow Entrepreneurs will realize, that when they reach a Life-Long Goalā€¦

ā€¦itā€™s tough to keep Driving Forward as HARD as you were before.

AND Iā€™d also LOVE to HEAR from anybody whoā€™s reading this, and/or experienced the unique dilemma Iā€™m facing right now.

PLEASE feel free to Comment & Share this!!!šŸ˜Š

I really just want to Learn from YOU & also hopefully this post will HELP someone whoā€™s also in my shoes!



Fitness with AnimalšŸ’Ŗāœ

I Write Copy for the Fitness, Supplement & CBD niches. If you need Copy or Copy-Revisions contact me at Brent@FitnessWithAnimal.com