Does Yoga Help With Weight Loss?

6 min readFeb 9, 2020


Does Yoga Help With Weight Loss?

Does yoga help with weight loss? This very question keeps bothering many minds of all those people who are struggling with weight issues. We here have the answer to your query.

Do you know that yoga practices have increased by 50% in the last four years alone in the US? Are you still asking the question, can you do yoga for weight loss? The answer is simple. Yes, you can.

In 2016, 39% of the general adult population fell in the category of obesity. That’s too much, right? Most of the obese people are always looking for weight loss solutions that are effective, safe, and sustainable. And this is where the 5000 years of ancient yoga practice comes in.

Many people are in a dilemma, unsure of what they can opt for weight loss out of unlimited strategies offered out there.

They are in perplex that how can yoga help in weight loss? It is just a technique that is low-impact and comprises of simple stretching strategies. But do you know that it can be the most effective and permanent weight loss solution for you?

Yoga has an approach to solving your problems. It not only focuses on exercising, but it also takes into account the connection between mind and body and relaxation. These are the main reasons yoga being a sustainable weight loss solution.

1. Exercise

How many times have you hit the gym and exhausted yourself with tough-going and repetitive exercises? Your efforts probably did not do justice to the results you achieved. Aftermath? You probably wrapped up your stuff, sat on the couch with the bag full of chips, and ended up watching movies that would relax you and make you overcome the mental and physical disaster you have been through.

Well, with yoga, forget that! Yoga is a gentle form of exercise. It not only assists you to lose weight, but it also helps you to withdraw harsh chemicals from your blood and makes you feel energetic.

Yoga takes you to the completion of your journey slowly, gradually, but steadily. It teaches you to listen to yourself, to your mind, and to your body. It will never make you put a strain on yourself.

And you know the best of all? You can never feel turned off because of the variety of poses it has to offer. The poses shape and tone your muscles and make you look lean. They give you a full-body workout without actually hitting up the gym, and guess what? No equipment needed.

2. Connection Between the Mind and the Body

Have you ever thought how many times you put yourself in situations that can make you feel bad for yourself? Snacking, drinking, not taking enough sleep, missing your chores, watching excessive television, or spending too much money for no good reason. You do that often, right? And then even feel bad about it.

Well, have you ever thought about the steps you should be taking to overcome such feelings? Or how you should control these cravings and go for the right things?

The answer to this very question is the mind-body connection. And it all begins from your yoga mat. Your every breath makes you aware. You train yourself for opting better choices.

With a trained mind and body and a sturdy connection between them, you stop yourself from munching on unhealthy food. You think more about nourishing yourself rather than filling yourself up. You opt for lifestyle habits that result in a better you. You eat slowly and mindfully. You take enough rest. You try to keep yourself happy and healthy.

3. Relaxation

Your pretty much-occupied routine takes you in numerous different ways and strays you from looking after yourself. Results? Binge eating, lack of sleep, caffeine addiction to fulfill your chores, and many other unhealthy habits develop in you. Being productive with your responsibilities never means to neglect your health. You do no good to yourself if you follow this routine.

Yoga poses are designed in a way to lift up your mindfulness. They help to attain a deep state of relaxation and helps you melt all your worries and stress.

Contradictory to other forms of weight-loss techniques, yoga not only focuses on strengthening your body but also your mind and your soul.

Remember that stress is the major cause of obesity. Whenever you fall in the trap of stress, treat yourself with a yoga session, and let me know about the sense of warmth you acquire after that.

Can I do Yoga? Is it for Me?

The misconception of many people out there is that they consider yoga to be very sacred and think that it is not for them. They think only religious people can step into this practice.

Well, yoga must have been introduced to masses by people who practiced meditation in caves to gain spirituality. But it sure doesn’t mean that the form of exercise is not for you.

Yoga does not ask you to abandon anything. You are free to live your life to the fullest. Yoga is not any religion, nor is it anyhow related to religious beliefs. You are free to live with your beliefs.

Many people perform yoga for various purposes. Mindfulness, healing, meditation, stress-relief, and yes, how can we not mention weight loss. Yoga is for anyone who wishes to practice any of the aforementioned manners.

How Often Should I Practice?

Well, it completely depends on you. If you are a beginner, start gradually with just a few times a week. You can later increase the time and number of days as per your preferences.

The time of the day also depends on you. Want a peaceful and mindful day? Practice yoga early morning. Want to release stress after a tiring day? The evening might be a better option here.

Summing Up

I guess I have tried my level best to resolve your worries about how does yoga helps in weight loss up to a good extent. Yoga makes you aware of the choices you make. It makes you respect your mind, body, and soul at the same time. With all these attributes, it ultimately helps you achieve your goals of losing weight.


