Tomates Time Management for Mac, iPhone and iPad

6 min readOct 11, 2016

We are product to introduce you our last app, Tomates for iPhone and iPad, the perfect workmate for Tomates for Mac

The Tomate Time Management for macOS helps you to improve your productivity using one of the most effective management method in personal or pair working environments.

The app is highly configurable in aspects like time for breaks or tasks, notifications, pomodoro series… all of it in a beautiful and detailed interface.

Say Hi! to Siri Shortcuts

This new version is more integrated than ever with Siri. Now you can toggle timer, set tasks or even view reports with your voice.

Version 7— iCloud, Siri, Messages, Share…

During last year we have been designing and developing the Tomates iOS version including the last features availables in iOS operating system to release a state of the art productivity tool for mobile environments.

This new release included iCloud sync between your Mac and iPhone and iPad devices plus to Siri integration in order to make easier create task or check your progress.

Other features availables are Messages and Share Extensions.

Atento for Mac

Mac version comes with a great feature that is focus on help user to detect those apps and websites that moves him away from his goal

  1. With Atento you can take a look at every moment to all apps and websites that has been opened in your computer.
  2. Realize how much time an app or website has been in foreground and when.
  3. Identify new apps or websites as Time Thieves and keep an eye over this apps and websites especially.

And since version 7 you could check all this information on your iOS devices too.

Tomates meets Notification Center

Now you can take a look at your daily progress from your Mac and iPhone Notification Center. Simply add the Pomodoro Today Extension.

Today Extension

Touch Bar support on the new MacBook Pro

The last minor version adds support to the new Touch Bar technology available on new MacBook Pro.

Now you can manage Timer from the Touch Bar, and reset timer, session and goal counters as well.

Another Touch Bar functions availables are located on Reports and Activity History windows.

It’s All About Reports

The focus in this new release has been to provide a great reporting system in Mac and iPhone to all our users

The app now has 2 different kind of reports, task based and time based, and the time based contains four predefined periods (today, workweek, week and month) and a custom period report.

With this idea in mind, we have tried to design and develop the report system.

Report window. Workweek report

Now Reports can be printed or saved as PDF from the reports view. With this new feature you can share your reports when you need it.


Inside Tomates Time Management you could find…

  • Touch Bar support on the new MacBook Pro
  • Reports to compare your productivity
  • Beautiful graphs to check your progress in a blink of an eye
  • Customize task time
  • Customize short and long break time
  • Choose to play a sound or not when a break or a task has finished
  • Set how many tasks are a Work Serie
  • The task timer can be paused/resumed/reseted
  • Session and Goal counters can be reseted


You can find Tomates Time Management in the App Store & Mac App Store right now.

Mac App Store link:

Price: $ 4.99

App Store Link:

Price: $ 1.99


Feedback is welcome, and we will be so happy to read you no matter if you have something to say or simply want to say Hi!

By email… tomates[at] desappstre [dot] com


Press Kit Resources

Here you will find app icon, screenshots, mockups and video, not sorted in that way ;-), related to Tomates Time Management.

iPhone Video

Mac Video

Atento — Included since version 6

iPhone Screenshots

Siri Extension — Add a new task
Messages Extension
Atento — Mac apps activity log
Bitacora — Activity View
Share Extension

iPad Screenshots

Mac Screenshots


iCloud Sync

iPhone App Icon — Tomates

180 pixels
512 pixels
1024 pixels

Mac App Icon — Tomates

128 pixels
256 pixels
512 pixels
1024 pixels

Mac App Icon — Atento

128 pixels
256 pixels
512 pixels
1024 pixels




Me gusta leer, las camisetas y las zapatillas de deporte // iOS Software Designer @ Globant // Creador de MoveMAD, Ambiently, Shelves y alguna cosa más