4 Fixes For Git Error: You Need To Resolve Your Current Index First

Frederick Wilson
2 min readJun 11, 2023


Git is a powerful version control system that helps developers manage their codebase efficiently. However, like any other tool, it can sometimes encounter errors that need to be resolved. One common error message that Git users may encounter is “You need to resolve your current index first.” This error typically occurs when there are conflicts between the changes in the repository and the changes in the working directory. In this guide, I will provide you with four potential fixes for this error.

1.Use the Git stash command: The Git stash command allows you to temporarily save your local changes and revert your working directory to the last committed state. To resolve the current index error using Git stash, follow these steps:

  • Run the command git stash to save your local changes.
  • After stashing, run git stash drop to remove the saved changes from the stash.
  • Finally, run git pull to fetch the latest changes from the remote repository.

2. Reset the index to the last commit: If you don’t need your local changes and want to discard them, you can reset the index to the last commit using the following steps:

  • Run git reset --hard HEAD to reset the index and discard all local changes.
  • After resetting, run git pull to fetch the latest changes from the remote repository.

3. Resolve conflicts manually: If you want to keep your local changes and manually resolve the conflicts, you can follow these steps:

  • Use the command git status to identify the files with conflicts.
  • Open each conflicting file in a text editor and look for the conflict markers (<<<<<<<, =======, and >>>>>>>).
  • Modify the conflicting lines to resolve the conflicts according to your requirements.
  • After resolving all conflicts, run git add <file> for each file to mark them as resolved.
  • Finally, run git commit to create a new commit with the resolved conflicts.

4. Use a merge tool: Git provides several merge tools that can help visualize and resolve conflicts more easily. If you prefer a graphical interface to handle conflicts, you can configure Git to use a merge tool such as KDiff3, P4Merge, or Beyond Compare. To set up a merge tool, follow these steps:

  • Run git config --global merge.tool <tool-name> to set the desired merge tool.
  • When conflicts occur, use the command git mergetool to launch the configured tool.
  • Use the merge tool to manually resolve the conflicts and save the changes.
  • After resolving all conflicts, run git commit to create a new commit with the resolved conflicts.

