Flamboyant Flamingos NFT: First iteration airdrop winners announced!

Flamboyant Flamingos
4 min readFeb 1, 2022


Info notice.

Dear N3 community,

Hereby, an overview of the winners of the first iteration Flamboyant Flamingo NFT community airdrop!

45 winners have been selected and this list is complemented by 5 winners of the Neo-Dashboard x Flamboyant Flamingos giveaway, which ended yesterday. Therefore a total of 50 winners is announced.

Every winner will receive one of the first iteration Flamboyant Flamingo NFTs, totalling 50% of the first iteration mint of 100 Flamboyant Flamingos.

We’re proud to announce that the entire Flamingo Finance team (13 team members) will receive one of the first iteration Flamboyant Flamingo NFTs for succesfully taking over NEO’s native De-Fi platform and for inspiring the Flamboyant Flamingos NFT collection.

Community winners:
1. Flamingo Finance CEO (Mr. Google) | Succesfully taking over Neos native defi project and for inspiring Flamboyant Flamingos NFT collection.
2. Flamingo Finance team member 2 | ”
3. Flamingo Finance team member 3| ”
4. Flamingo Finance team member 4| ”
5. Flamingo Finance team member 5| ”
6. Flamingo Finance team member 6| ”
7. Flamingo Finance team member 7| ”
8. Flamingo Finance team member 8| ”
9. Flamingo Finance team member 9| ”
10. Flamingo Finance team member 10| ”
11. Flamingo Finance team member 11| ”
12. Flamingo Finance team member 12 | ”
13. Flamingo Finance team member 13 | ”
14. Ed | Creating FTW Smith
15. Snowypowers | Creating Neo paper wallet generator
16. Forallcrypto | Video on ghostmarket ido
17. Vincent | Ghostmarket CEO
18. Hal0x2328 | Developer for CoZ & NEON
19. Stinkybadass | Organizing giveaway of Neoverse E series
20. Somniumwave | Actively pioneering the N3 NFT space
21. Elean0rz | Providing extensive feedback on tons of relevant reddit posts
22. Riley | Telegram quizzes
23. Pokemesg | Creating antshares NFTs
24. Ioannis | Active community member
25. NwKdontheblockchain | Sharing updates on discord & reddit and generally very active and helpfull
26. Whitedwarf | Valued discussions on discord
27. Kasostos | Active reddit community member
28. Humswap | Creating Humswap NFT project
29. Maxi_1981 | Extremely active community member in all Neo communication channels
30. Neo dashboard | Creating Neo-Dashboard
31. Ethour | Extremely active community member
32. Testertje777 | Sharing updates of the ecosystem to the community
33. Pazcrypt | Active and long time community member
34. Shad0w_fax | Long time community member & NNT writer
35. Neo2allthis | Active community member on reddit
36. Yogajogging | Neo supporter since 2017
37. Taywolo | Active twitter community member
38. Mtj777 | Early discord community
39. Yannick / Fireche | Neo candy creator
40. Mark Rondeau | Very active community member
41. Schlummer | Very active community member
42. NEO_R1CH | Active community member on twitter
43. Cyger | Long time Flamingo and Neo community member
44. SkyKaarma | Skyhut CEO
45. Keymakercz | Long time community member

46. Koen | Winner giveaway contest
47. NEOGASM7 | Winner giveaway contest
48. Zaeem87 | Winner giveaway contest
49. Aura | Winner giveaway contest
50. Kindafungible | Winner giveaway contest

For transparancy, public addresses and their assigned NFT are published below as well. However for the purpose of privacy and anonimity of the winners, these adresses have been randomized. Flamboyant Flamingo NFTs are assigned at random to one of the winning adresses by a mathematical script.

Flamboyant Flamingo #37 | NTCh2yEpR4RrLywcNxdDw31qNCn9RMqsgh
Flamboyant Flamingo #71 | Newc126TN6NeA8yFDMwX5W3oW5eZ5YQLma
Flamboyant Flamingo #86 | NeXSXyUr7LcDpQTuXxcWj3KcbApL27d6Ar
Flamboyant Flamingo #47 | NdGNFqUzg6jMFWnSnb98pdnskZCC48aexh
Flamboyant Flamingo #87 | NaP1zYFnGBEbMieoaQz5XkLbpekMB9NbyP
Flamboyant Flamingo #69 | NZ5b8UznXRwXha7wcopjPpZshbrcVk96mi
Flamboyant Flamingo #12 | NTAAa5fjxc1KbmcfSCgp9RBMAc7gxci4Zg
Flamboyant Flamingo #14 | NbFmd6JLqKAHGACCc7XQeFZUkVgy2cSvxE
Flamboyant Flamingo #64 | NS9QLsaY8RzN9fxTWj9AECyLaJvsk38XUb
Flamboyant Flamingo #8 | NcYAVGM9DcjAeCVubjiWysrng7B3HAnp2g
Flamboyant Flamingo #50 | NTAp75G5HrxR2SHUEU7bHoP7h6sfEof515
Flamboyant Flamingo #24 | NWkTv34yhMxpYy747Zr6QToNYXH2n2t8Ja
Flamboyant Flamingo #54 | NSGXWVheERjN8CabpGxak5RN5MVYUdN6kT
Flamboyant Flamingo #20 | NWWojzPBpViRWeGDyCjQ65cqCng7TRvdZe
Flamboyant Flamingo #72 | NLuYX1vvUNmayM9CSFaQaHfAXM42NmrUGf
Flamboyant Flamingo #6 | NRvgPpxYC46YxXcRTSGdpjs7omEj81YY9L
Flamboyant Flamingo #7 | NPJZk7vygjG3CN4EudPozprTo8RaAGAPqi
Flamboyant Flamingo #33 | NNrDa7qV7HP2jFYtnhCU77y7wutyhWHL9P
Flamboyant Flamingo #96 | NcYfKwepdnNos2CB55EPL5uiJ7LrXiuDVm
Flamboyant Flamingo #19 | NNXB81woRQv2GcEYnRwKqpEdFRcHSXp5cm
Flamboyant Flamingo #98 | Nc7QF2s6x4XsMgkTvZWZqV8xEU1L19eCcW
Flamboyant Flamingo #10 | NgJiFKfJHBmAYwZc4uYbDqy51Nt3Sn3bKh
Flamboyant Flamingo #25 | Niiqku5Q9pJtjwA7HyRceLqQzyS9LPbzty
Flamboyant Flamingo #57 | NT9tR6xC7FxFYv5DkCPuzzbZEFqoZrFDqR
Flamboyant Flamingo #91 | NYBWj9yJHGQ8tP69HuUrSBZgDxJXwdAjDs
Flamboyant Flamingo #48 | NPgTF6cXBSxLKoo5zpJEK5U7BchCrEdM3V
Flamboyant Flamingo #61 | NSrzgHPhbC4nP8rQZd5jfCPegv9GaFbUm4
Flamboyant Flamingo #1 | NXA2uA6mUHp4wPwnXRgNm7eN29pP5dDdtS
Flamboyant Flamingo #31 | NNPQXY3oBoRR9EhQCZ7QDHdzcNkCGN5SLX
Flamboyant Flamingo #78 | Ne3YcSQ21aKyMhfXD7TV9XmoHeP9u6LyKh
Flamboyant Flamingo #49 | NN2GMyLBFnATAjbNFmnnWZ8PLe889qEtyn
Flamboyant Flamingo #34 | NRDqyk5vYiDDQhcK9GT6SbsMNKXwuAAtq6
Flamboyant Flamingo #32 | NeNJqxuQom2T7VjqakggJRy3vm54oaC49n
Flamboyant Flamingo #17 | NdwVSMqK9jeuFRJPwreYy95V5Gz7jUTDr1
Flamboyant Flamingo #80 | NfH8Ftf66i2JYPvDhUMSqwJUUkPEmZmMvf
Flamboyant Flamingo #43 | NastBR2WtWcgsYV4LvMtjVXTVjMEbguYjG
Flamboyant Flamingo #58 | Nc4eLSZKyDxCmKcL8DUoyM67qTr5Yxc5dT
Flamboyant Flamingo #45 | NZoCHBhqan7mG98wKyhFu5YWBWJLriiVa3
Flamboyant Flamingo #30 | NM5evKBAh4rT3Z6EdkpXYUMgXaqUY6Y8Np
Flamboyant Flamingo #59 | NSqs5hhuVxiTUuwcKFDERDqtvsHQtyZtDR
Flamboyant Flamingo #93 | NNsCaRsqr2UigVoLCQ7GVvsDRzeDTWgj4x
Flamboyant Flamingo #79 | Nf8qaVHwWfTTonscUMseb7SbkdzJ7GYZbx
Flamboyant Flamingo #74 | NiDZSfcf1VAP18C4oTXWoeoFCGNXsSPB8L
Flamboyant Flamingo #4 | NLtfDr4opUQqFLYN3NHJtfXFz7h9QLcMop
Flamboyant Flamingo #28 | NeoWAkEUPhtxny6kbasup5h3LxDNBtGYp8
Flamboyant Flamingo #42 | NXbYFSoyuFwwW5cC3zQXqgw9FvzsM6ongg
Flamboyant Flamingo #84 | Ncp9BuC1Tq4BnxKjgU2RmFbv6EhXkAhAXk
Flamboyant Flamingo #51 | NR3rZrsBXDyzhwbU1Em81SjebNs5oTmDo9
Flamboyant Flamingo #65 | NSawi6PsgBAdCpU73AuzzUDoCCPdrxrtHf
Flamboyant Flamingo #81 | NeRC45fYbneU6EQsU9Wgh3c2h4uDtBtnzN

The airdrop of the first iteration Flamboyant Flamingos will be conducted this week. Public sale of the remaining 50 Flamboyant Flamingos will go live some time next week, specific day TBA.

In order to cater to the community, floor price will be set at 10 GAS instead of 25 GAS for the first 14 days! After 14 days, price will be set at 25 GAS!

As the Golden Flamboyant Flamingo #100 was not assigned to one of the winners during the raffle, this legendary piece will be auctioned as final piece of the collection, after the rest of the Flamboyant Flamingos have been sold.

More updates to follow shortly. Don’t forget to join discord and follow on twitter.

Stay tuned!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/flamboyantflm
Ghostmarket: https://ghostmarket.io/collection/flamboyant-flamingos/
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/FlamboyantFlamingos

Flamboyant Flamingo #73



Flamboyant Flamingos

Generative collector art NFT exclusively on the Neo blockchain. Five Hundred Flamboyant Flamingos; preening, resting and bathing.