FLASH Coin — The Cryptocurrency for Everyday People and Merchants

2 min readAug 2, 2018


Jason King, co-creator of Flash coin, an eco-friendly, decentralized, high volume, low fee cryptocurrency which processes transactions within seconds, presented a gem of timely and useful information at Flashcon 2018, in Vancouver, Canada. His outside-the-box presentation focused on how to create value in an increasingly regulated crypto environment. Jason explained how the value of FLASH will be realized through smart utilization, coupled with a deep cognition of market influences.

Smart utilization is guided by the formation of tools thoughtfully designed to kindle ease of use for merchants, buyers, and sellers. Flash coin has succeeded in meeting those goals. Not only are Flashcoins lightning fast, with low fees, but merchants can easily conduct business with FLASH. If they want, these merchants can smoothly convert their acquired FLASH into USD through Einstein Exchange. In addition, Einstein Exchange allows its customers to buy FLASH with their bank account and Visa or MasterCard. This is why Flash coin is making strides, as the focus is on real world applications, something other cryptocurrencies struggle with.

Cryptocurrencies that are decentralized community coins, not being ICO or crowd funded, have a bright future despite regulatory concerns because they are recognized as true cryptocurrencies and not securities. FLASH coin is exactly that, as it offers a decentralized blockchain that was built for the people with no middleman or expectation of profits. The goal is to give the people the power to handle their own value without having to answer to a governing body. Now, after eighteen months of development, the FLASH team is allowing anyone to send remittance payments or purchase everyday items with ease, as they offer mobile wallets for both iOS and Android.

The value of FLASH coin develops via utilization. As more and more people learn about FLASH coins, its everyday use will increase and the value of FLASH reflect that. Whether an investment or an everyday utility for barter, FLASH coin has something for everyone.

