FLASH Exchange Listing — Bitmora Exchange

2 min readApr 3, 2018


03/04/2018 FLASH Exchange Listing — Bitmora Exchange


CONTACT: info@flashcoin.io

03/04/2018, Toronto, Ontario. — The FLASH team are pleased to announce that the Bitmora Cryptocurrency Exchange will be listing FLASH during its public launch in under 6 weeks.

FLASH Exchange Listing — FLASH, the state-of-the-art way to transfer value, is pleased to announce that it will be listed on the Bitmora Exchange during their official public launch. FLASH will be available on all markets offered by Bitmora including, but not limited to, BTC, ETH, LTC and USDT.

Stay tuned for our updates on social media, as we will be sharing more interesting news about our progress and plans for the future.

If you have any questions, please email us at: info@flashcoin.io

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About Bitmora:

Bitmora Inc. is an FDIC insured, fully registered C-Corp based in the USA. Bitmora is MSB compliant with FinCEN, following both AML and KYC. Bitmora offers a modern user interface, a revolutionary fee collection system, and biometric security, giving cryptocurrency traders the highest standards in the industry. Bitmora is the first exchange to allow the community to vote on new features, making it an exchange for the people, by the people.


