FLASH Joins #deletefacebook Movement

1 min readApr 13, 2018


Moments in life come and go — Facebook not only loves those moments, they profit off them. Prominent people throughout all facets of society are taking a stand against gross injustice committed by Facebook and Cambridge Analytica and the time has come for FLASH to join the #deletefacebook movement as well.

FLASH Co-creator Chris Kitze sums up his thoughts on the matter:

“Facebook is a wicked and evil company that makes money by doing the lowest kind of business — selling your most private information to others and spying on and blocking private communications. They actively block crypto coins and have stopped websites that take their ads from using FLASH. For this reason, we hope Facebook burns in Hell.”

With that said, we are officially joining the #deletefacebook movement, as we hope it spurs other cryptocurrency projects to do the same. We encourage all of our readers to continue to engage with us via our other various social media outlets, as we continue to build out the FLASH ecosystem.

#gofaster #deletefacebook

