The Unbreakable Bond Between Liz Jones and Her Canine Companions

Flint and the Dog
3 min readAug 21, 2023

In a world that often swirls with uncertainties and fleeting moments, there’s one constant that UK columnist Liz Jones can always rely on: the steadfast companionship of her four-legged friends. From the collie named Peg that resided across her childhood abode to her beloved border collie Gracie, Liz’s journey has been graced by the presence of canines that have etched unforgettable memories in her heart.

Dogs, unlike humans, possess an unwavering loyalty that transcends words. Liz’s life story is woven with threads of canine camaraderie, offering solace in moments of loneliness and joy in times of sorrow. As she recalls her encounters with dogs like Pompey, Labby, Sam, and Mini, the narrative unfolds into a tapestry of unconditional love and profound connections.

The recent loss of Gracie has reminded Liz of the profound impact these furry companions have had on her life. Gracie’s departure echoed the memories of all the dogs that had once filled her days with boundless affection and tail-wagging greetings. In a world where relationships with people can be complex, the relationships Liz cultivated with her dogs stand as beacons of simplicity and pure devotion.

The stories of her canine companions weave together a tale of resilience, love, and understanding. Through heartaches, moves, and life’s inevitable changes, dogs like Sam, Labby, and Hilda have been her pillars of strength. Liz’s journey is a testament to the healing power of a wagging tail and the comfort of a loyal gaze.

While humans might falter or fade away, Liz’s dogs have held steady, offering an unspoken promise that love can truly be eternal. Each dog’s unique personality, quirks, and habits have become indelible imprints on her heart, reminding her that these bonds are not fleeting but forever.

As she continues to embrace the presence of her current canine companions — Missy and Teddy — Liz Jones knows that their loyalty and companionship will be by her side, a reminder that in a world of impermanence, the love of a dog is a constant and unwavering force.

Liz’s journey is a tale of “fur babies” that have taught her the profound lessons of love, loss, and the enduring bonds that make life richer. In a world that can sometimes let us down, dogs have always been there, offering comfort, solace, and a love that never wavers.

As you reflect on Liz’s journey through the world of wagging tails and devoted gazes, consider delving deeper into the world of canine companionship. Explore the timeless bond between humans and dogs, and uncover the joys of unconditional love in this book Balanced Bowls Decoded : Discovering Canine Nutrition’s Best-Kept Secrets, a heartwarming testament to the incredible friendships that enrich our lives. Discover the world through Liz’s eyes and be reminded that, unlike people, dogs have never let her down.

Originally published at



Flint and the Dog

Navigating dog aversion with empathy in family and relationships. 🐾💕 Join us to embrace love and understanding.