FlipNpik: An experienced and talented team

FlipNpik Worldwide
3 min readJun 5, 2018


FlipNpik is truly the first of its kind and, as a result, our team is distinctly different too. The nature of building a global community, in a way that has never been done before, means that FlipNpik demands an experienced, agile team, with unique technical capability, a pioneering, questioning mind-set and an ambition to change the status quo.

Welcome to team FlipNpik.

We’ve built a highly experienced and talented team to help us achieve success and deliver a great service, whether you’re using the platform as a customer, local business, or partner.

With our ICO confirmed, it’s become even more important for us to have the right people in place. Luckily, we’ve managed to find and secure professionals that are a perfect match right across the business. With a talented team at the helm, FlipNpik is poised for exceptional growth and is fostering a culture where innovation is important, pushing the boundaries of what the platform is capable of even further.

The four key members of FlipNpik staff are our CEO, CTO, President and Business Developer Manager.

Henri Harland — CEO

Henri has an extensive entrepreneurial background. He’s the former CEO of several listed companies, which he built from the ground up, giving him the commercial and operational acumen needed to lead FlipNpik in its trailblazing mission. His previous achievements have focused on creating and sharing value, an ethos that’s reflected in the FlipNpik ecosystem.

Serge Helou — CTO

As FlipNpik’s CTO, Serge has a wealth of technology experience in a diverse range of IT teams. From working as a software developer at Ericsson Canada to launching several e-commerce sites, Serge has the retail commerce and project management skills vital to the success of FlipNpik. His day-to-day focus is on ensuring all aspects of our IT functions run smoothly for all parties.

Richard Marganne — President

Richard held a number of senior roles prior to taking up his position as President of FlipNpik. These include COO of the Oleosea Company and CEO of Gobert Rutschi, the Geneva based organisation that first realised the potential of tram dressing in ecological matters throughout Switzerland. This experience of street marketing will also be deployed at FlipNpik.

Jessica Nguyen-Hoang — Business Developer Manager

A holder of both a Swiss federal diploma and a diploma in operational sales and marketing from the SAWI, Jessica has sharply owned business and entrepreneurship skillsets. In previous roles, she’s been responsible for the development of activity across a spectrum of areas.

Within the FlipNpik family is a wider team of 20+ truly talented professionals and collaborators that are constantly working and striving to deliver the best user experience and journey, UX, Design and Content just to highlight a few. FlipNpik also relies on the experience of highly trained specialists aboard, including a group dedicated to algorithmic elaboration and modeling.

Our core team is also complemented and supported by a select group of handpicked advisors across a number of units including marketing, PR, mobile business and legal.



FlipNpik Worldwide

A Blockchain-based collaborative social media tailored for local businesses. Website : http://flipnpik.io