How to be rewarded for your opinion

FlipNpik Worldwide
3 min readJul 27, 2018


Are you active on social media? Do you regularly use Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat or other forms of communication?
If so, well congratulations — you are an Influencer.

You might argue, ‘Yeah, but I have hundreds of followers, not hundreds of thousands’ or maybe even ask, ‘but who is interested in what I have to say?’

Let’s get a few things straight. An Influencer, it is generally accepted, helps change people’s opinions or is a trusted sage on specific areas, whether that is food, games, technology, music or whatever. They build up a trusted army of people who value their opinion and act upon it.

For instance, if you have a few thousand followers or perhaps many more who wait for your verdict on a particular product before they decide if they want it or not, you have bargained yourself into a position of strength. Not only have you become a font of knowledge in your area, but people will take your view as their lead. And the product you are expressing opinions on will be keen to get you on their side — top Influencers can make or break a product and that is a pretty powerful tool to have in their armoury.

But here’s the thing. Not everyone has that kind of sway, but we all can be Influencers in our own way and FlipNpik is the first digital company to recognise this.
Think how many times you take a picture of your food when you’re out at a restaurant. Before you start to deconstruct that work of art on your plate, chances are you’ll take a picture and post it on one of your platforms.

In an instant, that ‘Wow! Found an amazing new restaurant in town!’ is a review. You’re showing what the food looks like, probably with a comment afterwards of what it tasted like. It’s your review and those who know and love you — and value your opinion — will possibly share the information or better still, act upon it and go and try it for themselves.

You are influencing others, you’ve become and ambassador for the establishment and the great thing for the owners is, you’ve done it for free and because you wanted to do. Businesses cannot buy that kind of publicity.

So, it’s something you love and enjoy — no hardship there. But what if you were rewarded for taking the time to do that? What if you received some kind of benefit? Well, now you can.

By downloading the FlipNpik app, your reviews, pictures and opinions can now reap the benefits they deserve. The revolution has already begun in Canada, England, France, Switzerland, Singapore and is making a big difference to users and businesses who have enrolled in the project.

You are an Influencer, so start getting rewarded for your efforts by downloading the FlipNpik app today.



FlipNpik Worldwide

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