What to look out for when investing in an ICO

FlipNpik Worldwide
2 min readJun 14, 2018


The world of cryptocurrency is booming. Crypto is now big news, with stories almost daily on mainstream news talking about the impacts, prices and future of various offerings. With this boom has come a raft of rival coins, with new iterations popping up regularly. From Dogecoin to Bitcoin, there are a huge number of avenues for potential investors to look over. But what are the key things to look for when perusing an ICO?

The Team

In the world of cryptocurrency, it isn’t actually that hard to draw up a white paper and start trying to attract interest. Clearly, this can mean almost anyone can do it, and there might be less than reputable coins out there. This is why examining the team behind an ICO is important.
An ICO that is open about its team makeup, their experience and qualifications is key. This is how you know they are a serious, qualified organisation and that they have all the technical and administrative bases covered. FlipNpik offers a detailed rundown of their team and associated backgrounds, so you know you are in safe hands.


A roadmap shows all the long-term leg work the team behind an ICO have invested in their offering. It should show where they’ve come from and illustrate clearly where they plan to go.
This covers everything from fundraising to blockchain integration and should be a transparent expression of information you need to know. A poorly articulated, or vague, roadmap should bring on alarm bells, whereas a detailed and comprehensive roadmap gives you a clear vision of what to expect in the future from the ICO.


Because there are so many cryptocurrency and ICO offerings out there now, it can sometimes be hard to separate one from another. An interesting ICO will have something about it that differentiates itself from the rest of the crowd. What does this ICO do that others don’t?
FlipNpik delivers on this in spades. Designed as a collaborative, social-media linked platform for local businesses, it offers something completely unique. Developing an ecosystem where the local economy benefits is a noble — and fresh — use of the technology.



FlipNpik Worldwide

A Blockchain-based collaborative social media tailored for local businesses. Website : http://flipnpik.io