Going CI/CD with Elastic Beanstalk

How to deploy Docker to Beanstalk from CircleCI, TravisCI, and any other CI tool

Flo Sloot
The Startup


Deployment pipeline.. you know? | Foto by LoggaWiggler

Continuous integration and continuous deployment is an excellent mantra for any software development process. Building, testing, and deploying your application right to the cloud without any additional keystroke is every developer’s fantasy.

Sometimes it’s hard to make this fantasy become a reality, but sometimes, it’s also not.

Elastic Beanstalk

Amazon’s PaaS application management tool “Beanstalk” already mitigates lots of the pain that comes with managing cloud infrastructures such as rolling out versions, automatically scaling app servers, load-balancing, and a lot more.

All that’s left to the developer is providing the application sources to Beanstalk.

Pushing Code to Beanstalk

Getting your code to Beanstalk can be done in multiple ways. Some of these ways require you to install another specialized CLI tool for Beanstalk; others require an SDK or build-in functionalities of the given CI tool.

In this tutorial, however, we are going to explore a CI tool-agnostic method to deploy your code to Elastic Beanstalk continuously.

