My Fake ID Adventures: Part One

Teen drinking is very bad… Yo I got a fake ID though.

2 min readJun 10, 2016


Being the baby of my class was never easy. I was the last one to get a license, to get a tattoo, and to turn 21. But, ID God had my back with the “pretending to be 21” part, and I have had nothing but success since they’ve helped me.

Here are some very important thing to know though, for when you’re the only one “from” Florida and everyone else has their Cali IDs.


1. Know everything on your fake like you know it on your real one.
Birthday? Address? City? Zip code?

2. Know random things from when you would be alive.
What year are you in school? How old were you when major events (like 9/11) happened?

3. If your birthday is different than your real one, know your sign.
If your ID says you are a March baby, you’re no longer a Sagittarius.

4. Know things about your fake hometown.
I had a server ask what county I was from in Florida. I had no idea. So I said Crestview, which is the name of the city that I was “from” because some counties in California include cities that are named the same thing. Turns out I was wrong. But he didn’t catch it, instead he said “Oh yeah I’m from blah blah blah.”

I had zero problem getting into every other bar we went to that night, which was great and definitely boosted my confidence. Prior to that evening I had only ever bought alcohol from grocery stores (your safest bet if you are sketched out about using it). Just make sure you don’t walk up to the person that’s wearing the name tag that says STORE MANAGER when you go to show him or her your ID. Go for a young person, they’ll likely roll with it if they figure it out.

6. Make sure to hide your real ID some place discreet in your wallet where it is not easily seen.
Trust me, shit gets weird when you have to explain why you have your “roommate’s” ID in your wallet as well as your own.

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