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Floown is LIVE

The best way for teams to work together

2 min readMar 4, 2016


No lavish parties, colorful decorations or any of that other stuff in our office today. Instead, we’re quietly launching our platform… like you’re supposed to in the 21st century. Just… Boom. There it is. Use it, try it, experience it. It’s free and for everyone. And we’re going to keep making it better day by day.

So today we also won’t be reiterating our entire company history as you might traditionally do during a launch announcement. Floown is, and will always be a forward-looking company. We’re about availability and finding new ways to manage that better. We explain our vision in more detail on this page if you’re interested. It’s actually pretty cool.

Still, we do want to take a moment to celebrate all the hard work we’ve put into Floown. It has been an intense ride, and if it’s up to us it will only get intenser. Our first milestone has been reached, and we can’t wait to reach the second.

Now without further ado, let us direct you to the platform itself. We think that Floown will help teams all across the globe manage their availability faster, more effectively and cheaper. That’s a bold statement, but one we’re completely standing behind.

Let us know what you think! @FloownHQ




With Floown You Always Know Who's Available for Work. The Social Productivity Platform: