What’s your interactive story question?

Florian Hollandt
3 min readFeb 25, 2018


Did you ever want to help raise a band from absolute beginners to superstars? With my new Alexa Skill game ‘My band’ you can do just that, and I collect ‘missions’ from bright and creative minds like you.
Please submit one situation in the career path of an aspiring band with two different positive outcomes, and get the chance to win you own Alexa Skill built by me!

Wait — what’s this about?

I’m a hobby developer of games for Amazon Alexa, and I’m currently working on a game where you help your band rise from total newbies over local celebrities to international stars. You do this by rehearsing, promoting and performing (i.e. accumulating talent and fame points over time), and by completing music business-themed missions.
And it’s exactly those ‘missions’ that I need your help with. My creativity is focused on the technical and analytical realm, so I call upon the crowd wisdom of the internet for inspiration.

Why should I help you?

I’ve got three solid reasons:

  • I will build an Alexa Skill for you
    This campaign runs until March 31st 2018, and then I will draw one winner from the contributors. If you’re the winner, I will build a simple Alexa Skill (Trivia quiz, fact or sound machine Skill) based on your briefing, do all the code stuff, host it on my Lambda account (if you want), give you a frontend to change and expand the content without touching the code, and help you all the way through certification. And yes, this will get you the Amazon Alexa dev swag. :)
    If you’re a voice app developer yourself, we’ll find an equivalent reward.
  • You contribute to a cool software product people will actually be using
    Users will hear you questions and make decisions about them. Exciting, right?
  • It’s a creative writing excercise
    It’s three minutes of your time, a fun diversion, and an unexpected way to train your creativity.

Alright, I’m convinced! What exactly do I need to do?

Your goal is to write two or three sentences about an exciting situation a band could be facing, end the situation with a question between two alternatives, and then write one or two sentences for each answer. Both answers should be positive, but have somewhat different effects.
Here’s an example:

  • Question: Your band has made great progress in recording their first album, and they’re even ahead of schedule. Do you want to use the extra time to record a bonus track, or to improve the album’s cover image?
  • Answer A: You record a short, playful bonus track in an unconventional style. It’s not hit potential, but it’s great for the band to try something new.
    (This will translate to getting some talent points for this answer)
  • Answer B: Together with your designer friend, you do a serious rebrush of the cover art, and now it’s more clean and recognizable. This will certainly help the album’s discoverability in the music stores.
    (This translates to getting fame points)

That’s really easy! How do I get started?

Thank you so much! Please follow this link to get to a Google Form where you can submit your answer, along with your email address or Twitter handle, so I can get in touch.



Florian Hollandt

Maker, with a focus on Arduino, LEDs & 3D printing. There’s a range of other topics I’m also engaged and/or interested in, most notably Alexa skill development.