Metamorphosis of Panorama City leave some residents with high hopes of better a community and others with mixed emotions

Residents voice their opinions on modifications to take place in their neighborhood

Flory Ramirez
5 min readOct 18, 2017

By Flory Ramirez & Gabriela M. Soriano

Landmark where ICON will begin construction in 2019 | Picture: Flory Ramirez

Imagine luxurious loft style apartments, an organic market, new movie theater, various shops and a new Starbucks built just five minutes away from your doorstep. 2020 could see the transition of Panorama City from just another city in the San Fernando Valley to the new hot spot of the Valley.

Map of Panorama City

The revamping of certain areas in Panorama City would impact locals mainly because of the high prices and congested traffic it would cause, but it would also be convenient for others. The urban neighborhood of Panorama City has an income lower than 85.9 percent of U.S. Neighborhoods. Almost 48.7 percent of the working population is employed in sales and service jobs. This is evident by the amount of fast-food restaurants and clothing outlets established down Van Nuys Boulevard and inside the Panorama Mall.

Panorama City Chamber of Commerce President, Saul Mejía, talked about new businesses already being planned and how excited he is to see a change in the community.

“The ICON project belongs to Billy Ruvelson, who is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce. $100 million will be spent to make it happen, but it is amazing and really nice,” said Mejía. “Down by Roscoe and Woodman, a new Starbucks will be at the corner and the rest will be executive offices. Across the mall, the space has already been bought and it’s going to be an organic market. It’s crazy,”

The new structures in the city are set to begin development on the intersection of Roscoe Boulevard and Tobias Avenue. The lot that used to house the Montgomery Ward will transition into a shopping center dubbed the “Icon.” Across the street an organic market is presumed to take over an empty lot where circus events were held for the neighborhood. Nearby on Roscoe Boulevard and Woodman Avenue the demolition of a local car sales lot and shops will now be home to a Starbucks.

The memorable establishment of Panorama City — Montgomery Ward — closed its doors in 2000 after the company went bankrupt. The lot remained empty until recently when Galpin Motors decided to utilize the empty lot as their automobile storage. This area would now see seven buildings containing 200,000 square feet of commercial floor area and 422 multi-family residential units. Parking would be available for 1,690 vehicles and 858 bicycles, according to the Panorama ICON draft environmental impact report.

Star Resendez, 23, lives in the neighborhood and fears that these changes will affect the area.

“ It is already a busy area, and lofts that are more [expensive] will cause just that, not only will it cause traffic but the types of people it will house will not be [low income] people in the community but other people who have money.”

The fear of her community attracting other residents coincides with the fear that Rigoberto Gonzalez, 25, had about the low income apartments on the same street the Icon will be located. In Gonzalez’s opinion the shopping center will not work well and the apartments won’t sell. A telephone salesman, Gonzalez, noted that Panorama City is a low income area since he gives out about 800 phones on a weekly basis from the government program known as “Obama Phone” between his employees and himself.

“ That’s why we’re out here almost every day giving out free phones because everyone out here qualifies. They’re all on Medi-cal, they’re all on EBT. Everyone here is on Welfare,” said Gonzalez.

Location where the drive-thru Starbucks will be built on Woodman Avenue & Roscoe Boulevard | Picture: Gabriela Soriano

Another addition will be in the neighborhood around Woodman Avenue and Roscoe Boulevard, where a drive-thru Starbucks will be added. Yet, there could be more than this just being a new change. According to an article by CNN Money, Starbucks do in-depth research on neighborhoods that are in the rise in order for them to establish a location and know it will succeed, plus a Starbucks location also helps with home values. Therefore, this can come as a positive outcome for the resident’s and their homes. Although, it was opposed due to the fact it would be a drive-thru instead of a place where the coffee and pastry lovers could enjoy some conversation with local friends; some people are excited for this addition.

The Seattle-based company will benefit Berenice Jimenez, a long-time resident of Panorama City who has now moved to Palmdale, but whose family still lives just three blocks from where the new establishment will be located.

“It would benefit me because it’s right around the corner of my brother’s and friend’s house, so I could easily go there when I am visiting them instead of having to go out of my way and drive to another one further from their house,” said Jimenez.

Although it would not benefit Cindy Martinez, 24, she thinks that a Starbucks is unnecessary.

“This will most likely cause more traffic in an already congested area,” added Martinez.

Empty lot whose home will now be a organic market on Roscoe Boulevard | Picture: Flory Ramirez

If a new Starbucks location and loft-style apartments weren’t enough, there is also the proposal of an organic market making its way to Panorama City. Most of the markets in the area are familiar for the residents, so for an organic market to be established in Panorama City it will come as a shock to the area. Of course, there were mixed opinions on this plan.

Local resident Jocelyn Gomez, 21, who has been living in Panorama City for one year favored the idea of a possible Trader Joe’s or Sprouts making its way to her neighborhood.

“That’s actually very good. I do eat mainly organic produce and the fact that I live and work around here will benefit me very much,” said Gomez.

Sean Leahy, 24, thinks that introducing markets of variety is great as it would give more options to residents who look for healthier options or are looking for a change.

“It would be a further step in changing the area for the better. If you have more upscale businesses that goes a long way,” said Leahy.

There is much to expect for the community of Panorama City. It’s impossible to think how much this area will start to change for the better, but also how it will affect those in need. One can only wait and see what the results will be.

Our reach out post for residents to participate in our survey.
Video to capture residents’ attention | Video: Flory Ramirez



Flory Ramirez

Student. Guatemalteca. Mother. Everything the Earth wants of me.