8 UI Animation Trends: Make Your Design Standing Out of Competitors

4 min readMay 16, 2024


Explore eight examples of UI animations that will improve the user experience and usability.

Animation is an important design element that not only complements your product but becomes a powerful tool through which you can improve the user experience and their interaction with the digital solution. Below, we will look at examples of animations that fascinate users and surprise them.

8 Interface Animation Ideas That Will Make Users Delighted

  1. Animated interactions in Dynamic Island mode on iOS

Dynamic island on iOS opens up new opportunities for interacting with the operating system. Unique animations will allow you to create a user interface that will be interesting and bring new sensations to interacting with the application. This way, your design will be more exciting and memorable, which is a big advantage against the backdrop of high competition in the mobile application market.

Designed by Abhishek Ghorpade

2. Playful interaction when scrolling the site

Animated details when scrolling pages add uniqueness and zest to your project. If you need to focus on individual interface elements, this will attract the user’s attention. Also, playful interaction allows you to simplify navigation through your digital solution.

Designed by Daniel Sun

3. Micro animation of voice assistant

Adding animations to the voice assistant will allow you to add a sense of liveliness and instant response to the interface. This solution will enable you to create the most natural and intuitive interaction between the user and the voice assistant. In addition, this will help increase satisfaction with the product as a whole.

Designed by Svet RV

4. Card hover effect

If the page design requires the presence of cards, an excellent solution would be to create an animation that, when hovered over, creates an interactive effect. This way, you can enrich the visual language of your product, which in turn will make the experience of interacting with it more memorable and exciting for the user.

Designed by Aaron Iker

5. Mobile menu micro animation

Good design should be thoughtful and user-friendly. This way, you can create animations of individual menu elements that will demonstrate consistency in the design. Such solutions allow you to highlight the details of the interface in the eyes of the application audience and create a pleasant overall impression of the UI.

Designed by Vlad Trunov

6. Animation for shopping cart

Create a beautiful animation for your shopping cart to simplify the process of adding products for customers and give this routine activity a playful character. This kind of gamification element will allow your design to be remembered by users and create positive associations in their minds. Subsequently, they will strive to return to your digital solution more than once.

Designed by Outcrowd

7. Scrolling cards micro animation

If you need to keep users’ attention on certain interface elements and prevent them from losing the context of previous actions, you should create micro-animation scrolling cards. Previous actions are visually highlighted, so such animation allows you to go back and thereby improves the overall perception of the interface.

Designed by Tushti Sachdeva

8. Footer micro animation

Micro animation in the footer adds the finishing touch to the design and allows you to create a complete effect. Also, such animation is designed to redirect users’ attention to additional information or actions in the footer. This solution lets you emphasize your style, stretched in one line through all the details and UI design elements. At the same time, micro animation in the footer creates a feeling of design integrity, emphasizing its professionalism.

Designed by Nicolas Solerieu

How to Simplify Your Interface Design Work

Creating interfaces is a long and complex process requiring team participation and regular stakeholder approval. The ideal design solution should be balanced from both a visual and usability point of view. To achieve this, you can combine the insights given in this article with useful Flowmapp tools that will help you plan user flows, build a site map, create wireframes for coordination with the product owner, and generally determine the scope of work within the project. Moreover, all our tools are free and available in any browser.

Using animations in the design of a digital solution allows you to make the user experience more memorable, vibrant, and interactive. This way, you can add more detail to your product and increase its emotional appeal. Thanks to this, you will improve user satisfaction and thereby increase conversion. To maximize the convenience of working on interface design, you can use convenient and completely free tools from Flowmapp.




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