Clean UI Guide: 10 Ideas for Creating Eye-Catching Scrolling Animations

5 min readFeb 18, 2023

Scrolling is a vital part of the user experience. Making it interesting is one of the top priorities. The more interesting it is to navigate the site, the longer they will stay on it. Gone are the days when animation and scrolling were unrelated. Scrolling now complements the interactive design and creates an emotional connection with the user. Here are 10 of the most interesting and up-to-date scrolling ideas that you can use in your projects.

#1 — Classic Approach

Here objects that should disappear become transparent and new ones appear instead. This is a fairly universal option that is suitable for all types of websites, along with this, it will help them look modern, unique, and recognizable.

In particular, unlike the already boring slider, this animation allows you to implement the most traditional way of scrolling, which will be an ideal choice for websites with a fairly conservative concept. One of the classic examples of scrolling animation is the design below.


#2 — Half Animated Website

Another great example of animation for scrolling is one where only half of the screen is dynamic. This is an interesting solution for portfolios, for example, to showcase the design of projects (that is, the images can change and the text remains the same, or vice versa). Also, such animation is perfect for poster sites because it allows you to present high-profile headlines to the audience in a captivating and non-standard way.

Unlike other types of scrolling, where the user must navigate through the objects manually, here their demonstration takes place without his participation, which means that users “voluntarily-compulsorily” will see everything that you want to demonstrate to them.


#3 — Horizontal Scrolling

Due to the continued popularity of album-oriented user devices, horizontal scrolling will always be relevant. However, instead of using a standard scrolling button, you can offer your users something more: create an animation that will scroll for them.

This horizontal scrolling saves screen space for additional information and also allows users to view different categories of content by scrolling sideways. A good example of such an animation is shown below.


#4 — Object Overlay

If you are planning to implement a mobile-first app, you should definitely look into this kind of animation. In particular, such animation coexists perfectly with touch screens, as it allows you to literally overlay new objects on top of those that have already been swiped. This approach imitates the interaction of people with real magazines, books, cards, etc.

This type of scrolling animation goes well with the Material and Flat designs that are typical for Android and iOS operating systems respectively.


#5 — Asynchronous Scrolling of Objects

This type of scrolling animation is suitable for websites with a large amount of content, be it images, videos, or typed text. Thanks to this approach, your users will not have to drag the slider for a long and tedious time until they find the information they need on the screen.


This type of scrolling allows you to combine capacitive headings with body text on the same screen without forcing users to scroll down the page. You can see one of the most successful examples of synchronous scrolling of objects below.

#6 — Product Demonstration From Different Angles

If your website or a specific page of it is dedicated to a single product, it makes sense to depict it from different angles (or use cases), including animation. This will allow you to unobtrusively showcase your product to users even if they have either not yet opted out of viewing the main image carousel.


#7 — Paper Curl Imitation

Why not try to simulate user interaction with real paper scrolls? This approach looks fresh and allows you to diversify the classic scrolling text with an interesting visual solution. This animation can be used for news websites and other web resources with large amounts of printed text. Below is one of the most attractive examples of the implementation of such animation.


#8— Zoom + Scrolling

Zoom+scrolling animations are ideal for showcasing products in detail, allowing users to view them on the website without much manual effort. Especially this kind of animation goes well with products with a highly detailed appearance. You can see a private example of such scrolling below.


#9 — Color Scrolling

Scrolling animation looks especially creative, which, in addition to physically moving objects, also changes (or highlights) their color. This approach is extremely effective for animating printed text, as the color scheme plays a leading role here. In particular, color scrolling will be a great solution for bright landings, allowing you to create a clear visual border between different information or different projects.

Also, such animation can play into the hands of music web resources by saving designers from having to use too many pictures. Below is just a good example of color scrolling.


#10 — Typical Mobile Scrolling

You can fully tie all scrolling scenarios to user interaction with the touchscreen, giving them complete freedom of action. In this way, you can provide an immersive user experience even in such small things as scrolling. Thus, your users can not only visually but also tactilely immerse themselves in interaction with the interface elements of your solution. Below you can get inspired by a great example of such animation.


Final Thoughts

If you have read this article in its entirety, you will have at your fingertips a sub-section of ten breathtaking scrolling animations. So the matter remains small: choose from them the one that most closely matches the concept of your project.

Originally published at




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