Improving the Design of Your Website: 10 Section Layouts That’ll Make Your Project Unique

8 min readMay 20, 2024

Examine 10 section layout templates that can help you develop an ideal website With their help you will be able to easily highlight important elements and guide users along the path to making a target action.

The layout of most websites often has a similar structure because it is more accessible and more familiar to users. The design of various page elements is built in such a way as to concentrate a person’s attention on the desired information or action. But how can you make sure that your website doesn’t seem like a copy-paste from a similar one from a competitor? In this article, We’ll show you ten different section layout templates from Flowmapp and real-life examples that you can use creatively in your designs to make them stand out and unique.

10 Section Layout Templates to Make Amazing Website Design

Header Layout

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The header of a website’s main page can be used not only as decoration but also as useful space. For example, you can add a registration form to this section, encouraging the visitor to take the first step toward getting started with your project. At the same time, you should design this section to attract users and let them know what exactly they should do. Just look at the example below. Here, the header is set against a background of authentic graphics and encourages website visitors to immediately begin active actions (in particular, development with the help of artificial intelligence). In general, everything looks concise, without unnecessary bulky blocks, but at the same time, the user is immediately involved in interacting with the online platform.


Feature Layout

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Add a “Feature” section to your website structure to show users what your product can offer that your competitors don’t. This layout is ideal for highlighting and accompanying important points with compelling images or icons. You can be creative with this layout. It also offers freedom in the presentation of information. All these elements will help your potential customers understand exactly why your product can be helpful to them and why it is better than others. For example, in the screenshot below, three laconic blocks reflect the main options for using the software solution presented on this website. They are complemented by informative icons and short headings that fully reflect the benefits for the end user.


Blog List Layout

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This layout is perfect for creating a colorful and creative blog design for your website. Each card has the article’s cover, brief description, and category. This will make it as convenient as possible for visitors to navigate through your articles and quickly find the content that interests them.

This layout allows you to grab users’ attention in different ways with the help of well-chosen descriptions, bright covers, and categories. This way, you can go with the creative flow while opening up broad possibilities for creating eye-catching designs. A particular example of the implementation of such a layout is shown below.


Blog Post Layout

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This blog post layout represents a classic solution that will allow you to add more interaction with your audience. For example, you can use additional information and invite users to take actions such as subscribing to your newsletter or visiting your social network pages. Using this Flowmapp template, you can encourage visitors to interact more with your content and explore your website further. In the example below, we can see that to the right of the main text, there are links to social networks marked with small icons. Thus, after reading an article, a person can go to other sites that present the author’s content. Just as in the example above, you can offer to subscribe to the blog’s newsletter and thereby ensure its stable attendance by a specific user.


CTA Layout

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This template shows you how to properly design a CTA to grab users’ attention and encourage them to take action. This could be, for example, subscribing to your newsletter or social networks. It is essential for you to design your call to action well, as it can significantly increase conversions and help you collect valuable contact data for future marketing efforts. Let’s look at the example below. On it, we can see how the capacitive contact form is combined with the company logo. This helps emphasize the website’s branding and indirectly adds credibility to it in the eyes of visitors.

It’s Nice That

Pricing Layout

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Using the “Pricing” layout gives your website audience a clear view of your pricing and terms and conditions, making it easy for them to choose the best option for their needs. Plus, the three-column pricing structure allows users to compare plan options clearly, which helps increase conversions. Different price points can create the impression of flexibility and variety in your solution, which can attract a wider audience and increase interest in your product or service. Below, we can see a standard implementation of this template, which displays the fundamental differences between pricing models, each clickable. Thus, if necessary, the user will be able to study the features of all available tariff plans separately.


Team Layout

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This section layout is designed to show users who is behind your project — your team of developers or specialists. This will increase trust in your product or service. Using this template from Flowmapp, you can show your website visitors the identity and names of the people behind your brand, which will make your company more accessible and attractive to your target audience. In the example below, we see columns with photographs and job descriptions of the company’s management. They are all decorated in the same color scheme and generally look professional, as befits a company that presents its services digitally.


FAQ Layout

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The FAQ layout allows you to direct support tickets by answering users’ most popular questions about your product or service. A correctly assembled FAQ layout, for example, from Flowmapp, will reduce the load on your support team and provide the best user experience. The correct approach to implementing FAQs is clearly shown in the example below. Here, each answer to a question is collapsed into a header position, so when this section becomes sufficiently capacious, the user does not need to scroll down for a long time.


Testimonial Layout

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The testimonial layout allows people who have become your customers to share their experience using your product or service. You get new opportunities to attract and convince potential customers thanks to reviews. Positive reviews encourage your audience to trust your brand more and motivate them to engage more deeply with your company. Using a template from Flowmapp, you should pay special attention to working with text and highlighting reviews from companies that are more popular. Let’s look at an example of properly designing a section with customer reviews. The image below shows three columns with cards containing reviews from people who have tried the product. Here, you can see that these are not just random reviews that the copywriter wrote (although this may be true). Evidence of this is the presence of photographs and user names.


Footer Layout

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All relevant information that may be useful to visitors to your website, such as links to social networks, contacts, or additional resources, should be contained in the footer. If you design this section correctly, you will make it easier for your users to navigate and provide a better user experience. Use the Flowmapp template to create a clear hierarchy of information — this way, people can find the sections they need at a glance. The footer should always be concise and user-friendly, so don’t be afraid to prefer more classic design options for this section. A typical example of such a “classic” is demonstrated below. The four main sections, Product, Company, Resources, and Policies, are displayed here, as well as links to social networks in the form of corresponding icons and a drop-down menu with the ability to select a language.


If You Need a Tool to Accelerate Design Related Tasks Flowmapp Is Here

The section layout templates shown above will help you create the perfect design for your website to attract users’ attention to the information they need and encourage them to act. If you want to simplify creating a website as much as possible, use the tools from Flowmapp. Here, you can create a detailed website layout using the above examples, quickly and conveniently build a user flow diagram, and paint a detailed sitemap — all this is completely free!




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