FluidTokens: A Vote That Shapes the Future of the ISPO

4 min readJun 20, 2023


FluidTokens has positioned itself to become the one-stop-shop for P2P Lending on Cardano.
As we solidify our presence within the Cardano Community and broader Crypto space, we want to ensure our ISPO (Initial Stake Pool Offering) — which is close to completion — provides the best opportunity for anybody interested in shaping the future NFT Lending to take part in an important decision.

The decision, represented by a Community Vote, will determine how the remaining 5,000,000 $FLDT tokens will be distributed.

In this article, we will explore the two proposed solutions while shedding light on the benefits and potential drawbacks each presents.

Solution A: Extending the ISPO and Public Sale

The first solution on the table is to extend the ISPO by an additional 16 epochs until October 17th. During this extended period, 3 million $FLDT Tokens will be distributed among the delegators. To include those who did not have a chance to participate in the ISPO, a Public Sale will take place for the remaining tokens.

It’s important to note that this public sale will require KYC (Know Your Customer) verification, a measure taken in light of recent events in the crypto industry.

This solution offers an opportunity for new delegators to acquire $FLDT before launching on decentralized exchanges (Dexes).

Solution B: Extended ISPO without Public Sale

The second solution proposes extending the ISPO by 30 additional epochs, culminating on December 26th. With this solution, the remaining 5 million $FLDT tokens will be distributed exclusively through the ISPO.

This approach provides a unique advantage to existing delegators, as they will be the sole recipients of FLDT tokens before the dexes’ bootstrap events. This exclusivity adds value to the tokens held by the community, fostering what we think is a sense of loyalty and appreciation.

Multiplier Rewards and NFTs:

Regardless of the vote, both options offer an increase in multiplier rewards for delegators who continue to stake their ADA. This incentive encourages long-term participation, benefiting both the project and its dedicated community members. Additionally, the opportunity to acquire an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) during the ISPO remains available to all delegators, including new participants who will be joining during the extended period.

Dex Launch and Token Distribution:

Upon the completion of the ISPO, a highly anticipated bootstrap event on a chosen dex will mark the launch of FluidTokens. This event will establish the initial discovery price for the $FLDT token. The team has taken precautions to ensure that the launch is not marred by bots or any sort of market manipulation schemes, promoting a fair and transparent environment for all participants.

Token Allocation and Team Commitment:

At the end of the dex launch, the community will possess a total of 27 million $FLDT tokens. Out of this amount, the team will unlock 2 million tokens, while the remaining tokens will be locked for a total of 2 years. This commitment affirms the team’s dedication to the project’s long-term success and aligns their interests with those of the community.

Vote Timeline and Delegator Influence:

The ISPO vote will be conducted on the Summon platform [https://app.summonplatform.io/], giving delegators a voice in shaping the future of FluidTokens.

Starting on June 30th and ending on July 6th, the voting period provides ample time for delegators to make their choices. The voting power will be determined by the stake amount and the duration of the delegation, allowing both large and small participants to have a say in this. (A snapshot of active stakers will be done on 24th of June)


The ISPO vote for FluidTokens represents a defyning moment for FluidTokens continued development and community engagement. With two compelling solutions, delegators will determine the distribution of the remaining tokens. Regardless of the chosen solution, both options present unique advantages for delegators and potential investors. The Team commitment to transparency, long-term token value, and fair launch practices puts FluidTokens in an unique position to innovate long term.
We encourage everyone to share their opinion on this important matter; the choice is in your hands.

Are you already part of the ISPO?

For those interested in participating in the development of FluidTokens, joining the Initial Stake Pool Offering (ISPO) is a great way to get involved. The main pool ticker for FluidTokens is FLDT, and you can find more information about the ISPO at https://ispo.fluidtokens.com/.

Learn more about Fluidtokens:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FluidTokens
Website: https://fluidtokens.com
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/s8q4kG48Mg
Medium: https://medium.com/@FluidTokens

For inquiries, please email contact@fluidtokens.com




Lending and Borrowing protocol on Cardano Blockchain @FluidTokens