FLURRY Cross-Chain Bridge is LIVE to bridge FLURRY Tokens Across Different Network Chains

Flurry Finance
5 min readJan 18, 2022


Flurry Finance is proud to announce that Flurry cross-chain bridge is activated today on the 18th January 2022, where FLURRY governance token can be bridged to different network chains.

The FLURRY bridging service is now available on Ethereum Mainnet, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon Network, where FLURRY governance tokens are available. However, bridging from any network chain to Ethereum mainnet is not available yet.

The Flurry Bridge marks a remarkable success for Flurry Finance as we have reached another milestone to keep crypto asset management accessible to our crypto community as well as new DeFi Users.

FLURRY Governance Token is now a cross-chain token, benefiting all FLURRY holders to share the benefits of different network chains across the space.

To see it in live-action, check out the video here:

The above video is demonstrated on testnets to showcase the bridging function of FLURRY Governance Token. All figures and data cannot be used as reference.

How to Bridge your FLURRY tokens from one chain to another?

The bridging of FLURRY token could be easier than you think. Follow these steps to bridge your FLURRY tokens.

1. Connect Your Wallet

Head to https://app.flurry.finance/bridge and connect your wallet on the corresponding network.

You will land on a page as displayed below, the numbers will be shown as below.

In this walkthrough, we will use BSC Testnet as Origin chain (indicated as From) and Ropsten Testnet as the Destination chain (indicated as To), and FLURRY will be used as the bridging token.

*Numbers and figures reflected are based on the Flurry testnet, not the mainnet.

2. Key an amount and Approve your token

Before you start using the Flurry DApp, there is a step that you should take first after entering the amount, which is to approve an AMOUNT that the Flurry Protocol can get access to on your wallet.

It’s like the setting on your phone — you have to grant access to the application before the application can use your camera or microphone. The principle works the same on DeFi protocols.

One point to note is that if you have only approved 50 FLURRY but you try to bridge 100 FLURRY, the transaction won’t be able to process.

  • Make sure you have approved the exact amount or more that you wish to bridge.
  • The approval step will cost some gas fee, as this is the beauty of decentralized space — you need consensus to approve it.
  • Once you’ve connected your wallet, you can click the eye next to “Available balance” and see the full amount you have in your wallet.
  • Check to see if the currency unit is what you want to bridge (100 FLURRY here).

The “Enter an amount” button will change to “Approve FLURRY” (or the bridging token) after you enter a desired amount for bridging.

*Numbers and figures reflected are based on the Flurry testnet, not the mainnet.

3. Hit the “Swap Now” button to bridge tokens!

Once the token is approved, the “Approve FLURRY” (or the bridging token) button will change to “Swap Now”, you can hit it to start bridging your tokens!

*Numbers and figures reflected are based on the Flurry testnet, not the mainnet.

A wallet notification will pop up for you to confirm the bridge transaction (check if it is the “BRIDGE TOKEN AT” action as shown in the green box), press the “Confirm” button and here you go.

*Numbers and figures reflected are based on the Flurry testnet, not the mainnet.

The bridging process will take some time as it is a Cross-Chain smart contract interaction would take some time when the transaction is working from one chain to another, patience is all you need when the transaction is queuing!

*Numbers and figures reflected are based on the Flurry testnet, not the mainnet.

After token is successfully bridged, you should be able to see another notification pop-up showing “Bridge — Swap” from the Origin chain to the Destination chain.

*Numbers and figures reflected are based on the Flurry testnet, not the mainnet.

4. Your tokens have been bridged!

With your token amount bridged, you can see the reduced amount in the current (Origin) chain.

*Numbers and figures reflected are based on the Flurry testnet, not the mainnet.

5. Swap to the Destination chain to check the bridged token

To check your bridged amount of token, switch to the Destination chain. Confirm switching the chain by “Switch Network” in your wallet.

*Numbers and figures reflected are based on the Flurry testnet, not the mainnet.

Now you can see your successfully bridged tokens as you can see below, highlighted in green!

*Numbers and figures reflected are based on the Flurry testnet, not the mainnet.

About Flurry Finance

FLURRY is a DeFi protocol offering cross-chain yield aggregation with rhoToken, which is pegged 1:1 to its underlying stablecoin. It automatically farms for yields across different DeFi protocols without locking up funds or interest earned by diversifying DeFi product risk, resulting in lower gas fees.

With a team composed of graduates from Cornell University, Stanford University and Imperial College London, and pedigrees from JP Morgan, Barclays Capital, KBC Financial Products, Daiwa Capital Markets and Societe Generale, Flurry Finance is well-equipped to take the DeFi sector by storm.

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Flurry Finance

A team of crypto believers who tries to improve the DeFi space with better products.