HOW TO Stake IDEX on a Rpi4 using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64 Bit.

Fly Guy #ethereum
5 min readFeb 9, 2021


Ok to start off I’m no expert but if I managed to do it so can you. Stick at it and you will succeed.

Please read through all of this before starting as I may have missed some stuff. This is only a rough tutorial and I haven’t checked it step by step as I’m already up and running.

First of all you’ll need a Rpi4 (best choice) it may run on earlier models but I’m not sure.

A decent SSD Card 8gb or more. The difference in price isn’t significant now anyway. Go for 16gb-32gb. Something like these:

The second one is supposed to be the best for Rpi4 even though it’s cheaper. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Next you’ll need to download and run the Rpi Imager file so that you can chose your operating system and put the image on the SSD card:

Next you’ll need to insert your SSD.. and chose your option. Unbuntu Server 20.04 64Bit Version… it takes a bit of finding.

“Other general purpose OS…”

Next choose Ubuntu..

Then choose Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (RPI 3/4/400) 64 but version! Rpi4 is 64bit Arm.

Then just choose your SSD Card. Best practice is to remove any other cards to avoid wiping the wrong one. Wait until it’s loaded and verified itself.

Well done now you have a Rpi4 image with Ubuntu on. I chose Xubuntu which is another flavour or popular version. I can’t find it again though. As I said I’m not a wizard. If you want to you can hunt for it.

Insert the SSD into your Rpi4 and then power it up. My advice is to have it already connected to the router via Ethernet cable, that way it will get added straight away. You’ll need a USB keyboard or Wifi keyboard. A monitor with an HDMI is advisable. You’ll need an adapter cable from Mini HDMI to Normal.

If you can’t use a monitor you’ll have to SSH into the Rpi via Putty a desktop program that will let you into the CLI (Command line Interface) get the cable! I use a mobile app for my iPhone called Termius which I use from my couch. Pretty simple really. But a keyboard and monitor is fine.

Quick points:

You’ll have to setup a wifi connection too, to user SSH.

Make sure you update the packages first…. I think it’s part of the setup instructions anyway.

On your router you’ll have to allow TCP on PORT 8082 (port sharing)

You’ll also need the IP Address of your Rpi4

There’s a lot of talk about ROOT User … Unbutu Defaults to SUDO USER so no problems.

Community staking IDEX have STOPPED it.

You’ll find your “staking key” that you’ll need later on on the “Replicator page” right at the bottom.

You need a minimum 10,000 IDEX to Replicate.

Go to your IDEX account.

Then go here and read all about it.


Then go to this link and follow it closely


Just go to the “Install Docker”part and do that. There is a link before that (shown below) but it’s basically what your doing Installing the docker. This bit did confuse me a lot. You can read Docker Engine (Installion Guide) but don’t follow it.

Ok I say try all this first… just copy and paste each command into the Rpi4 CLI and run each one.

If this DOESN’T work…install the docker via the link below as this DID work for me in the end. Maybe it’s a Rpi4 thing I don’t know.


After this it should all work and you’ll see a little green light!

If it’s red go and check back.

If all else fails go to the IDEX Discord channel and get some help in “Idex-Staking”

A very helpful guy called “HenryA” helped me but I’m sure most could help you if you get stuck.

Well I hope this will get you started? If you do have any problems with these instructions just tell me and I will try and tweak them. It’s a first attempt from memory. I think the meat is here anyway.

Have patience…. and don’t get frustrated.

Happy IDEX Staking.



Fly Guy #ethereum

Bitcoin, Ethereum ERC-20 fan. It's only the beginning of the revolution. Useful Read?..Please Donate any ERC-20 Typ: flyguy.eth