5 Side Hustles for Newly Landed Immigrants in Canada

2 min readDec 31, 2021


Be it a newly landed immigrant searching for their full time job or even a College graduate. These are 5 side hustles you can start immediately on landing in Canada that can earn you anywhere from 3,000 to 4,000 CAD monthly.

  1. Ubering : If you live in one of the metro cities in Canada ie Toronto, Vancouver etc, signing up for one of the Driver services can be quote rewarding. Especially during pandemic times, many people are opting for Uber , Lyft services as there seems to be more sense of safety and security compared to using Public Transportation. The only drawback is you would need to have a Canadian driving license and a car to sign up for these apps.
  1. Food Delivery: Be it Skip the dishes / Uber Eats or even grocery delivery via Cornerstone. Restaurant and Grocery delivery has seen a boom over the past decade. You don’t need to commit any minimum hours while signing up to these Apps. Just turn the app on and accept the order wherever you are free and start your shift for the day.
  2. Tutor : Offer your skills to tutor high school students or even subject matter newbies trying to enter your field. There are multiple Tutoring academies like Mathesuim, Kumon, Vidya Learning Centre that look for tutors to train the students. The hourly rates range from 12$ to 20$ depending on the expertise and higher level of classes tutoring.
  3. Language Translator: Know more languages than just English?? Then you have the job that is always forever in demand. Translator. There are always job postings on Indeed and other Career websites where they are looking for Translators to help translate the native speaking languages eg Farsi, Punjabi, Polish, Spanish etc to English.
  4. Mystery Shopper: There are many websites like ishop.com, mysteryshopper.com where you can sign up and complete tasks either online or by visiting the mentioned shop and doing a survey. The payout ranges from 10cad to 60 cad based on the task and the travel involved.

So these were the 5 side hustles you can start now immediately on landing to Canada without any so-called “Canadian Experience” . Happy Hustling!!




Newbie Canadian exploring its wilderness….