Stop It !

1 min readOct 28, 2018

Day 25

You got this!

Do not tell yourself you can’t do it.

There’s a saying that goes,“whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right!”

What ever you think will reflect in your life.

If you believe you are a winner you will be.

If you want it bad enough you will take steps toward those dreams and goals on a daily basis.

Stop allowing temporary situations to last longer than they should!

You control you!

If something makes you sad or upset, you have the power to decide how long you’re going to stay sad and upset.

It is within you!

No one else can do it for you.

You have to know and realize that everything that you will ever need in this lifetime is what you already have and that is yourself.

You are the tool you need to be where you want to be in life!

Remember, STOP selling yourself short and start living your life!

