Fokke Zandbergen20 Reasons Why I ❤️ Working RemoteI’ve been working from home since 2013. People often don’t understand why I like and actually prefer working from home. Here’s why…Mar 31, 2019Mar 31, 2019
Fokke ZandbergenHow I have been using Zapier to Automate my Slack StatusAt Zapier, we were thrilled to hear Slack introduced setting your status. Slack is the very backbone of our daily communication and as a…Dec 7, 2017Dec 7, 2017
Fokke ZandbergenWhat I learned Fasting from Social MediaLast spring, I decided to ignore social media until Easter. Lent traditionally is a period of fasting from food, but modern ways of fasting…Aug 22, 20171Aug 22, 20171
Fokke ZandbergenHow I stopped Notification HellToday is the start of Lent, traditionally a period of fasting leading up to Easter. Not a lot of people fast from food anymore, but modern…Mar 1, 2017Mar 1, 2017
Fokke ZandbergenUse Hardware as Trigger for APIs (via Zapier)MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M) protocol heavily used for the Internet of Things (IoT) because it is an extremely lightweight…Nov 11, 20165Nov 11, 20165
Fokke ZandbergenHow we built TTN’s Documentation SiteIn August, after a well-needed-longer-than-I-had-in-a-long-time break, I started at The Things Network.Oct 5, 2016Oct 5, 2016
Fokke ZandbergenDeveloper Experience: Beyond Products & SolutionsDeveloper Relations is still a relatively young profession, trying to find its rightful place between marketing, support and engineering. I…May 2, 2016May 2, 2016