Why version control is better than sync

Folio for Mac
2 min readOct 27, 2015


Most creatives we know have lost countless hours, weeks or even months of work on old harddrives or ZIP drives (flashback!). Removing a file from your Dropbox folder will delete it after 30 days, and you’ll never get it back.

We believe your work is important and will save it forever.

Imagine having the full version history of every file you ever created in your career safely stored in the cloud and being able to quickly browse and restore any version of it instantly.

That’s what we’re working on.

Why you should be using version control

According to Khoi Vin’s recent design survey 50% of designers already use some form of version control, either Github or Bitbucket to manage files. Way more than we would have ever guessed.

Most of you use Github to host your projects, but if you want an option with free private repositories, Bitbucket is great as well.

Here’s why we think version control is better for everyone and why every designer should use it. Try to find a developer who would work without version control. Spoiler: you can’t.

Full version history forever

Version control systems like Git never throw anything away, ever. Even if you delete a file from your project, all the versions you ever created will still be there and you’ll always be able to retrieve them.

We love our SSD’s for their speed, but Apple makes them quite expensive and in most recent Macs you can’t even upgrade.

Using the coming version of Folio you can host your project on a service like Github or Bitbucket. You’ll always be able to get it back, including every version you ever made, even if you deleted it from your local machine.

We’re starting a beta test this week. If you’re interested in joining mail us at beta@FolioForMac.com

Keep in touch

To stay up-to-date follow us on Medium or Twitter.

Check out the current version on FolioForMac.com.

Don’t worry about the trial, as soon as we have the sharing features ready we’ll reset it for every one, so you’ll be able to check-out the shiny new cloud features.


