My Days at Andela Bootcamp 20 (part 1)

Folusho Oladipo
2 min readMar 13, 2017


Yelp!! I’ve landed on a treadmill way faster than I anticipated. Oh wait, I think I’m beginning to keep up and surpass it!

So, I got invited to Andela’s 20th Bootcamp two weeks ago. Boy was I excited! The first session was to be held on Friday, March 10, 2017 and I spent most of the week preparing for that day. I said to myself “I’m gonna kill it this time!” But things had changed a lot since my last time at the bootcamp, so I couldn’t anticipate the new structure and contents of the bootcamp. We had 5 different sessions on core themes like having a growth mindset and positive attitude towards problems, seeking and using people’s feedback, using version control in software development and more. But the difficulty arose from the assignments we were required to submit at or before 11:59 am the next day. I wisely decided not to go home early, to avoid wasting time in rush hour traffic in the world’s 13th largest megacity and to have ready access to electric power supply. So, I kept working on my deliverables. I was on the third one when I decided to leave Andela’s Epic Towers at around 9:30 pm. And yeah, I got home 00:09 Saturday morning! Yes I learned a lot by fixing so many problems, but I only just made the submission time. However, the feedback I got from my supervisor at the bootcamp, @nwosuchineze, was greatly positive. Her feedback cheered me up, told me my submissions were mostly valuable and spurred me up on correct the mistakes she pointed out.

Then came today’s tasks. First challenge: I had to do them from home, so no free Internet connection or power supply, but I solved those problems. I also solved all of the tasks I was asked to solve (but didn’t meet some of their requirements ☹). These included generating a list of integers between 1 and a given number n (ever heard of the A.K.S algorithm? 😉 ) , implementing various concepts using Object Oriented Programming and more.

What keeps me going is that I have learned, and am learning, a humongous amount of things. And even better is the fact that I have to put these into practice, making it part of my behavior as a developer and character as a person. I might have made a few mistakes. I might have hit some home runs. But I am not giving up or resting until I am perfect, and then I’ll aim for resplendence! Tomorrow’s another day! Bring it on!

Thanks for reading!

